Monday, October 01, 2007

Easy Weekend & Easy Monday.

We had a very nice easy weekend ...

We started our weekend off with homemade pizza on Friday night. My husband makes the BEST sauce ever ... then we add onions, peppers, mushrooms, pepperoni, italian sausage, sliced tomatos and tons of cheese. It's sort of becoming a Friday night tradition with us ... homemade pizza and I love it!

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday night we went back to Red Lobster for more "Endless Shrimp", then on to Target and Home Depot. It was nice spending some quality family time together.

Sunday is cleaning day for me ... washing clothes, organizing the house ... it was nice to get all of my chores completed early. And I made a beef roast with tons of veggies for dinner!

And today ... we've had an easy Monday ...

Mike is working at home and we love having him here with us.

Earlier our neighbors Cyndi, Harry and Jack stopped by to play with Griffin on "Fort Griffin" for a little while ... it was nice spending some time with them.

Griffin is now napping ... after this post I'm heading over to my work area to begin an order.

That's it ... how was your weekend???


  1. I'm coming to your house for pizza!!! Wow does that ever look yummy!!!

    I love that picture of Griffin with Mike and all the cute. He's all boy!!!

  2. Love the pizza nights on Friday. Traditions are wonderful!!

    Take care,

  3. Oooh, that pizza looks delicious! Glad you had such a nice weekend!

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Not as fun as yours!

  5. I love homemade pizza! Delicious...we always make one with banana peppers and sausage, tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, loads of cheese...garlic, all manner of goodies. Of course Dan only wants his with pepperoni so he gets his own. Grace will eat the one with the works!

    Your weekend sounds like a perfect one...glad it was the best!


  6. Umm, when are we getting invited over for pizza? (just kidding)! That is the one thing this pregnant girl is craving! Hugs girlie!
