Wednesday, October 24, 2007

13 Stairs.

Our house has 13 stairs ... not 10 stairs ... 13 stairs.
A fact I seemed to have forgotten on Monday.

I am currently recuperating from a fall down our stairs on Monday.
It's amazing how life can change in an instant.

One minute I was on the phone ... the next minute I was walking down the stairs while holding Griffin and down I went.

Let me explain a little ...

Everytime I go up and down our stairs I count ... that way I know where I am on the stairs. I know it's weird, but it's something I've always done. I went up to get Griffin from his nap and then we headed downstairs. We were counting out loud together ... and I remember getting to 10 and then stepping off like it was the last stair. What was I thinking? Down I went with Griffin in my arms. I remember my legs going under me backwards, and feeling as though my right foot folded in half under me. I was in hysterics ... Griffin was crying ... and we were alone at home. Thankfully I had the phone in my hand as I had just gotten off the phone with my friend Heidi and I knew Mike was on the way home from work. I called him and said please get home as soon as possible because I think I broke my foot. I managed to crawl to the couch, but couldn't get the gate up to the stairs to keep Griffin from going up and down by himself.

Let me just say this too ... Griffin was not hurt. Thank goodness. Thankfully he landed on me and I think my crying just really scared him.

I think Mike managed to get home in like 3 minutes, when it really should have taken 15 minutes. First thing I asked him to do was to get upstairs to get Griffin, because without the gate he was up and down the stairs and I couldn't move. I just do not like him to be upstairs by himself yet ... especially with the bathroom doors open, because I didn't know what he could get into. He did that and then checked on me.

I managed to hurt the four smaller toes on my right foot and my left knee. Oh my gosh ... I was really in alot of pain. So, there I sat on the couch.

I had invited Heidi and her boys over for dinner ... she came and helped Mike cook homemade pizzas. (Thank you Heidi!) They made me sit still.

Monday night was horrible. I made it up the stairs but could not get comfortable in the bed. I pretty much didn't sleep all night long.

Tuesday Mike made me sit still with my legs propped up all day. Thank goodness he could be home with us yesterday. I have bruises everywhere, places I can't imagine how I goto them. I slept well last night.

And this morning ... I'm walking better. My toes still feel funny ... but my left knee is feeling much better.

So ... yes, life CAN and DOES change in an instant.

And now ... something more FUN ...
The winner of my 400th post drawing is ..................

June Bruce!!

June ... please email me your mailing address and I will get your surprise package out to you. I have taken a picture of it and once June receives it, I will post a picture of it. I just want her to be surprised.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    OMG & OUCH!
    Just remember, it could've been much worse Missy, especially if the little guy got hurt...but can I just smack you around a bit for not going and getting an x-ray???

    Hope you feel better.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I am glad that you are feeling better. That is always my biggest fear when carrying my kids on the stairs.
    I hope that you continue to feel better.


  3. I agree with really should go get it checked out Missy. I walked around on a broken bone in my foot for over a year and didn't know it. When I finally went to the Dr. because of the constant pain, I had to have surgery and the re-broke the bone to set it. REally should get it looked at...PLEASE????

  4. Oh my! I hope you are feeling better today, you poor thing.
    rest your foot, if it still keeps hurting you really need an x-ray.

    Listen to your blogger friends!
    We know best LOL!!

    Feel Better Soon!

  5. Missy, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I know it had to scare you and Griffin. I just know those toes and bruises will heal up quickly and you'll be out and about very soon.

    Congratulations to June Bruce!!! It will be fun to see her prize.
