Monday, September 24, 2007

Promise To Self.

Last week I made a promise to myself ...
To scrapbook some personal pages!

As I've mentioned, Griffin is 2 and a half years old and I did not have one scrapbook page made for him.

Well ... that has changed ... let me present my first "Griffin Layout" ever!!

(You can click on the picture for a bigger view if interested)

This is a layout of Griffin's first Halloween in 2005. He was 8 months old and in my opinion the cutest little pumpkin ever!

I had so, so, so much fun making this layout.

I'm really excited about this, ya'll. I will be scrapping at least ONE personal scrapbook page a week ... and I plan to share them with you here.

Here's a few of my preferences when scrapbooking:

* I prefer using the 8.5" x 11" pages

* I really like the top loading albums. That way I can scrap the pictures I want to in no particular order. Hey Jen ... does CM offer anything like that?

* I love, love, love using patterned papers

* I like the time worn look alot ... so I'm loving those walnut inks

* Rarely do I use anything that I make on my own pages ... well, I never have in the past ... but with this page I did make some pumpkins using the cute little Quickutz Pumpkin die.

* This is the first page I've ever used photo splits on. I love them now!!

Okay ... so there you have it ... I am now on a mission to scrapbook, scrapbook, scrapbook!


  1. Woo-hoo!!! I'm so impressed! Missy that page is so cute...but then you had the cutest little pumpkin to work with. Gtiffin is so adorable! Happy Scrapping!

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I love photo splits too!!

    That's really cute and so is baby G!!

    I'll talk to you abut 8.5x11 goodies

  3. Great job Missy! Of course, having the most adorable subject to work with've always loved that picture of Griffin.

  4. This is adorable! Absolutely wonderful page about an absolute doll of a little guy! I can almost see how happy you are doing this!


  5. I can't believe this is your first page ever. It is absolutely adorable. Great job, I can't wait to see one every week.


  6. I can see that pic on the cover of a scrapbooking magazine. love it!
