Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Yesterday I was very worried about Griffin. My little 6:00 am riser slept in until 7:45 ... that was quite unusual.

Then we went to the gym for playtime ... then to Walmart to print out some pictures ... and then we were home by 1:00. He ate a little lunch ... he's not been eating as much as usual the past few days.

After playing around for awhile, he went upstairs for naptime. He didn't fall asleep until about 3:30 ... and then he didn't wake up at all. Mike was late arriving home from work last night, so at 6:30 I went upstairs to wake Griffin to come downstairs. I carried my sleeping little boy downstairs and sat in the rocking chair with him until Daddy arrived home. He still didn't wake up. Mike and I decided to just put him back in his bed and he slept all night until 6:15 this morning. What is up with that? I kept checking on him to make sure he was okay ... he was of course. I guess he was just really tired ... or growing. Who knows.

He woke up this morning at 6:15, happy, rested, talking and singing up a storm. He woke up saying things he's never said before. And he's singing words to songs that I didn't know he knew. My goodness ... it's amazing what a little more rest can do for you.


  1. His eyes are so amazing...what a precious little guy he is. Just had one of those days...I have those a lot! *smile*
    I wish I could hear him sing...: )
    Please give him a hug from me okay?
    And I love your page from the precious post. You are creating a treasure...

  2. Another adorable picture of a precious little boy. Sounds like he needed his rest...some days are like that.

    I'd love to hear him sing too...that literally has to be music to your hear your child happy and singing.

  3. Cute boy! Great layouts too...

  4. I think he is in tune with your new hobby!!

    So he was giving you time to get a little scrapbooking in!! LOL

    Love this picture of him, definetly a scrapbook page in itself,and you already have the journaling done!

  5. Another great pic. Just sounded like Griffin needed to rest. Sometimes even the little bodies tell us what is needed.

    Take care,
