Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Trading Spaces.

I am a HUGE Trading Spaces fan.

I haven't seen a new episode in awhile, so I thought I would visit the Discovery/TLC website to see what was going on. I visited the message boards and everyone was speculating the show had been canceled and TLC did not want to announce it yet.

Well ... mmmmm ... I thought ... what could I do to find out what was going on?

So, I visited Frank's (my favorite designers) website to see if anything was posted there. He and his wife Judy create this great cross stitch and tole painting line. So, I emailed them to see what was going on. And guess what???? Judy emailed me back!!!

This is her reply:

"Missy, Discovery has it on two stations now - TLC & Discovery Home. Go to and click on TLC - then on Trading Spaces and they will give you the schedule.

Discovery decided to revamp the show - so there was a break - Frank is taping as I type. Thank You for being such a HUGE Fan. It is appreciated. As ever, Frank & Judy"

Oh my gosh ... I can't believe she emailed me back!!

And to know that Trading Spaces is still around ... I'm soooo happy!!!

And if you would like to visit Frank and Judy's website it's

Take care everyone!
~ M


  1. Wow-that is really nice that you received an e-mail from his wife. That will certainly keep is fan base going.

    Glad Trading Spaces has not been canceled. I also enjoy that show.

    Take care,

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Never saw the show, LOL

  3. How totally cool that they replied!!! I've watched that show myself and Frank is my favorite deocrator too! He doesn't get so far fetched with his decorating...the room looks like one you would want in your home when his team gets finished.

  4. How cool!
    I Love, Love, Love Trading Spaces.

    If I had them at my house I would like VERN to do my room, he does such classy rooms, I don't think I have ever seen a bad room from him.

    I will watch reruns if I have too!! LOL
    Glad they are not canceling it

  5. That is so cool! I love Frank! I've been watching reruns of trading spaces so it's good to know they are still around.

  6. We met Frank at our local home show 2 years ago. He was the sweetest thing and really chatted with Grace. She had not been here long and had no idea who he was but she loved him! She kept asking about the "Funny Man"!

