Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Let's Catch Up.

Okay ... so I will try my very best to be a better blogger. I've been bad, BAD about blogging lately. I hereby PROMISE to try better.

Now ... let's catch up.

Thursday night we were hit with a terrible thunder/lightning/wind and rain storm here in Goochland. Oh my gosh ... it was SO bad and SO scary. I have experienced many, many of these kind of storms when we lived in Florida ... but this one was different. So very different. I was scared. Really scared. And it lasted for HOURS. It seemed to just stop over our house an not let up. The thunder was roaring through our trees ... the lightning was constant. The wind would not let up and finally ... the rain. So much of everything. Our power went off about 7:00 pm and did not come back on until Friday evening around 7:00 pm. We were without power for more than 24 hours. My ... how we take electricity for granted until we do not have it any longer.

Mike started the generator so we were able to run the refrigerator, freezer, fans and tv. My friends Heidi (with Ryan and Evan) and Melinda came over for awhile as they did not have electricity either.

We had plans to meet John (who works with Mike) and Cindy (his sweet wife) for dinner at The Hickory Knotch Grille. The Grille did not have electricity either, so we decided to meet them at the Red Robin in Short Pump instead. It was so much fun getting to know Cindy and John. They are GREAT people and SO much fun to be around. Cindy is 4 months pregnant ... and you can check out her blog too. On the right side of my blog just click on "Cindy" to find hers. After dinner we headed home and Mike put the generator away. After a little while, the power went out AGAIN ... oh no we thought ... here we go again. But it finally came back on about 5 minutes later.

Saturday Griffin was invited to Eddie's birthday party at The Playroom. It was great fun. The kids played in the indoor playground, complete with jumpy houses. He had SO much fun!! Then Saturday in the late afternoon we met the Bishops (Heidi, Jeff, Ryan & Evan) at the YMCA for some swimming and pizza.

Sunday we met the Bishops (we love spending time with them) at the Powhatan County Fair. For those of you that have been to the Citrus Festival in Florida ... the Powhatan County Fair is about one fourth the size of the Citrus Festival. But Griffin had alot of fun riding the rides and just being a boy.

Monday found us needing to head to Sam's Club. Heidi, Ryan and Evan met Griffin and me there. Afterwards we went out to lunch at this GREAT Chinese Restaurant on Broad Street.

Today ... Mommy & Me Gym time was back on. We haven't been there all summer because over the summer they have us in the dance studio and not the gym because they have summer camps in there. I hate (harsh word I know) it when they have us in the dance studio. It's just not the same. Anyway ... the air conditioner has been broken in the dance studio all summer, so we haven't been able to go. But today ... we were back in the gym! Yeah!! Everytime we passed the gym Griffin would say "go play" ... but we couldn't. Now, we can again on Tuesday and Wednesday.

That's it ... all caught up ... except for a very sweet award I received from Terri. But I wanted to give that a post all by itself and I will tomorrow.

And water. Just remember WATER. I will post on that very soon as well.


  1. You are very sweet as well. We are looking forward to hanging out with you guys again :)

  2. One of the worst things I despise about bad storms is that the power may go out. I know what you mean about taking it for granted until you don't have it anymore. I don't like being without it for an hour or two - let alone 24 hours!

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I think the rain is gone now! Thank goodness!
