Friday, August 31, 2007

Daddy's Home.

(The view from Mike's hotel room ... Mount Ranier)

Mike has been on a business trip to Seattle since August 18th. He was supposed to be home on Saturday the 25th, however his trip was extended until last night. He was gone 12 loooooong days. We missed him so much ... especially Griffin. Every morning he would ask "Where's Daddy" and I would have to explain he was at work in Seattle.

Well ... Mike got home last night ... and Griffin had already fallen asleep. So, this morning when Griffin woke up, Mike went into his room to bring him back to our bed for a little snuggle time. We had one happy little boy! Daddy's Home!!!

Unfortunately Mike had to head off to work this morning. We would have LOVED him to stay home with us ... but that wasn't to be. Griffin got SO upset. Real tears and all. Daddy explained he was only going to work for a few hours and he would see him tonight. It was very, very sad and sweet at the same time. Our little guy is starting to understand when Daddy leaves.

We are looking forward to some significant family time this weekend.

We hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Awwww....have a great weekend guys!

  2. So sweet! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend together!

  3. OMG Missy..what a surprise for me when I viewed your blog! Imagine my surprise and delight when you had a picture of "MY"
    All of us northwesterners call it that. I acutally lived about 40 miles from Mt.Rainier. The first time Frank kissed me was at Mt.Rainer! So seeing it today..even in a picture, gave me a sweet memory and a bit of homesickness at the same time. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Hi Missy! Hope your weekend together as a family is wonderful! I know you and Griffin missed Mike while he was away on business.

  5. Hope you had a great weekend. Glad "daddy" is home.

    Take care,

  6. I hope your weekend was a pretty special one!

    It is never easy on the kids (Or the Mommies!) when Daddy is away.

    Glad you are all back together!

    Stay well and have a sweet week!


  7. poor little guy misses and loves his daddy so much. That says alot about how good of a dad he is.

  8. Yay for you!!! So glad he made it home fine and you all will have some great quality time together!

  9. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Love the mountain picture Missy!!!Glad your precious family is back together and I hope you all have some GREAT family time coming up!!! Hugs, Tracie
