Thursday, June 21, 2007

Vehicle Inspection.

This is a picture of Griffin and me taken at Fighting Creek park in Powhatan. Rarely do I get a picture of him and me together ... so when I do ... I treasure it!

Okay ... here's the deal. Virginia requires an annual vehicle inspection. Ugggh ... I hate this! The dealership where I bought my Jeep offers FREE annual inspections for those of us that bought our vehicles there. The only thing is, it's ALL the way in town ... then I'd have to wait probably HOURS to have it done. Now ... we have a little local auto shop that can probably get it done in 15 minutes and they charge me only $15.00. Which would you do?


  1. Texas requires a yearly saftey inspection as well.... I personally would go with the $15 one.... I think it would be worth the $ when having to wait with a little one.... T

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    for only $15 I'd go and be done with it.

    Cute picture! Was it planned or coincidence that you both have red on?

  3. It would probably cost $15.00 in gas to get there LOL. Go Local

    Love the picture, did you notice that you have matching outfits on?

    Cute Cute!

    Have a Great Day!

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    15.00? that's dirt cheap, I wish ours was, we live in Pennsylvania and our inspection is normally about $20.00 plus we now have an emision's test which cost about $60.00 to get done, mandatory. I hate it......Pennsylvania rips you off. Our inspection never goes lower than 80.00 per year. Per year! So, 15.00 to me would be heaven! I'd pay the 15.00 too.

  5. Go with the 15 dollar one...ours was so much more expensive! I would just take a book or magazines and spend the money on something more fun! : )

    You have matching outfits!! YOu are so pretty and that little guy has my heart!


  6. Love the picture of you and Griffin. How cute that your outfits are color co-ordinated.

    I remember when we used to have that auto inspection here in Florida and it was a pain in the neck. But it sure did keep some of the duct taped cars off the road here.

    By the way...I tagged you on my blog for Southern Thangs by little Southern Belle Missy!
