Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Andi & X-Rays

I would like to wish Andi a very Happy Birthday! I'm lucky to know Andi in "real life" and I have to say ... she is one of the kindest, sweetest, most competitive (LOL you know know what I mean Andi!) people I know.

Happy Birthday!!!

Griffin fell off the couch on Saturday and when he did ... he hurt his foot. All weekend it bothered him and he was walking on it crooked. Yesterday I decided I better take him to the doctor to have it checked out. We first went to the pediatrician to see Dr. Terry. He took a look at it and told me we better have it x-rayed. He thought everything was okay, but because he's so young there was a chance he could have damaged the growth plate and that could cause problems in the future.

So ... after waiting at the pediatrician's office for almost 2 hours ... we headed to the hospital. Again ... waiting.

We were finally called to give our information and then sent to radiology ... you guessed it ... more waiting.

Finally it was time to enter the x-ray room and they took several x-rays of his foot and ankle.

I felt so bad for Griffin ... he's 2 and he likes to run and play. He was pretty much confined in his stroller all day yesterday while we WAITED. And let tell you that was no fun for him or me.

Finally ... we got back in the car, I put him in the car seat and he fell right to sleep. I got him home, put him down in his crib and he slept until almost 6:00 pm.

Dr. Terry called and said it was just bruised ... thank God!! He just needs to take it easy for a few days. Really ... it's not slowed him down one little bit. Can you imagine trying to tell a 2 year old he needs to take it easy on the foot. LOL.


  1. Waiting... why is that so hard?? And we do it ALL THE TIME, don't we? ugh!

    We as a civilization have become so used to having things instantly, and we are spoiled... I just hate waiting though.

    On the mission trip last week, my husband passed out while he was on a ladder --- that was a bad fall, and we took him to the ER in Pennsylvania, waiting and waiting... lots of Xrays, CAT scan, it was a fun way to spend the evening! NOT!

    Glad that things worked out okay... with our kids, it is so easy to be in fear.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Nothing slows a 2 yr old down! Believe me from experience, lol

  3. My kids are the worst waiters LOL!! I'm glad that little G is ok!! When we were vacationing at disney J got really sick with 104 temp and we took him to the ER - after 2 hours all they had done was weigh him so we left because he was just to sick to wait. And the really bad part was there was 2 people waiting after us and no one else, so I am assuming the ER rooms must have been full or they were severely short staffed.
    Anyway it is Missy day on my blog :)!!

  4. First let me say I'm so glad Griffin's foot is going to be okay. And slowing him down...well good luck with that one!!!

    And thank you so very much for the very special birthday post...with my picture, no less...and the adorable e-card! You're such a dear friend in "real life" my sweet Missy. I feel blessed to know you.

  5. Isn't is awful to wait for medical people and tests and especially with a little one!

    Poor G!! I hope he is mended soon! But then, nothing stops a 2 year old boy huh?

    Love him in the fireplace! Is he your little chimney sweep??


  6. Love the pic of Griffin in the fireplace. How cute!!!

    Yes, hospitals are not the fastest places to be-neither are Urgent Cares-HA

    Take care,

  7. Thank goodness it's only bruised and nothing worse.
