Saturday, May 26, 2007


We joined the YMCA yesterday ... one of the BEST things I've ever done. Oh my gosh, I don't know why we haven't joined before.

We went swimming for 3 hours and had the BEST time. Griffin loved it. I had my camera with me, but felt it was unsafe to leave him in the water (even for a moment) to get it to take pictures. It's the first time Griffin has ever been in a real swimming pool. He's been in those little plastic kiddie pools, but not "the water can be over my head in an instant kind of pool" before.

He wasn't scared at all. Even after going under a few times, he'd cough a bit and then carry on playing. I just know we will be in that pool ALOT this summer.

I forgot to put suntan block on Griffin's face ... his little face is pretty red. And this morning when he woke up, after I picked him up he started crying. I pulled off his shirt and overnight certain areas of his shoulders turned a bit red too. He didn't understand, and was crying hysterically.. So, I took his shirt off (he's running around bare chested, which he NEVER does) and I put some lotion for sensitive skin on him. I've got to go to the pharmacy to get something today to help alleviate some of the sunburn pain. When I was little we used Solarcaine. Do they still make that?

Mike has been out of town all week, he's flying in today and we can not wait to see him. I really hope we have time this weekend to go to the pool as a family. I just know Mike will have as much fun as Griffin and I did.

The Glave Family wishes you a very happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Great tips on parenting, although I haven't experienced it yet. It's good to have an insight to what parents have to go through. Especially understanding my parents even more.

    Btw would you be interested in exchanging links or reviews?


    Francis Simisim

  2. Don't you know Griffin is having the time of his life playing in that pool at the YMCA!

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend...enjoy your time with Mike!

  3. So glad Mike is home now. You will all have a great time at the pool! I bet little G man is loving every minute.

    I have really enjoyed catching up and seeing all the pictures!

    All of us SAHM feel that way at one time...but as I got older, I quit! I know that I have done the most important work we can do and have really enjoyed being a Mom as I know YOU do. I agree though...getting out is a great thing for you. How I wish I still lived in VA and we could get together! Maybe we will someday soon at any rate!
    Have a super weekend!

    Love to you all,

  4. What fun! I need to find a pool around here other than our blow up one too!

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Never been to a Y before. Hope you enjoy yourself...and don't leave home without the sunscreen!!!

  6. Just wanted to drop by and say have a happy and safe memorial weekend!! I wish there was a Y closer to us. The kids would love it!

  7. Aloe works best for me, I keep a plant on my windowsill. poor baby, they just don't understand why they hurt do they??

  8. I remember Solarcaine too. I remember using that when I was little. But I never hear about it anymore, or see it. I think they may have discontinued it, not sure though.
