Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Water Hose.

Our side yard is full of dirt and moss ... it is in desperate need of some grass. The other day Mike planted some grass seed and tried to water it when Griffin and I were outside with him.

It was hilarious watching Griffin trying to jump in front of the water hose. He SO wanted to play in it. The cutest thing was watching him try to explain to Daddy (in his babble talk) WHY he should be able to run through the water hose.

Mike finally gave in ... Griffin had SO much fun running through the spray, getting soaked and then muddy.

Oh the JOYS of childhood.


  1. How adorable! Griffin is so cute, mud and all. xoxo

  2. That's so cute! I think I said this before, but he reminds me so much of my Tony when he was that age! I have photos (and videos too) of Tony running through the hose and the sprinkler. Such fun!

    And it looks like you had a wonderful mother's day! Those strawberries look absolutely delicious! They are one of my favorite fruits.

    Congratulations to your friends on the new arrivals!

  3. Anonymous3:24 PM

    looks like mike lost that one, lol!!
    too cute...sometimes we just gotta give in to things like that...alhtough it's usually messy in the end.

  4. Oh Missy! This is so cute! It's so much fun to run through the water spay when you're a child! Griffin looks so happy!!!
