Monday, May 21, 2007

Up Early.

This is a picture of Griffin, Ryan and Heidi on Mike's tractor.

Good morning everyone! I am going to try to be better about blogging and leaving comments on my blogger's friends blogs this week. There are a few blogs that I absolutely can not get into lately. If a blog has alot of images or one of those Slide shows (which are cool by the way) ... I can't get in. It knocks my internet connection off and takes me forever to reboot the computer. I don't know why ... I feel sad about that because I can't visit some of my very favorite blogs.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend. Mike finally got his 2nd cross-country flying lesson in. Basically he has to travel 200+ miles and touch down at three airports (I think). He's been trying to get his done for awhile, but due to scheduling and weather he's had to re-schedule quite a few times. Now, he only has one more cross-country and it's SOLO! Oh my!

While Mike was flying, Griffin and I went to this Craft Show/Yard Sale at one of the local churches. One of our friends from the Mommy & Me Group was there selling her hair bows and homemade soaps. They are so, so cute! Then we went on to several different yard sales. I found a really cool American Flag throw for only $8.00 and 8 Nora Roberts books (love her!) for only 50 cents each. Can't pass up a bargain like that. Then we went to Michael's ... while we were there my friend Heidi called to say that the Ben Franklin store was having an awesome sale. Everything in the entire store was 1/3 off ... woo hoo! We went by there and I picked up a really cute album, a couple of toys for Griffin and some really pretty scrapbooking paper. That's it ... that was our weekend.

Today Heidi and (hopefully!) Keisha will be coming over to discuss the Mommy & Me BBQ we are planning for this Wednesday. As we are planning, the kids will be playing. We pretty much have everything all organized such as which family will be bringing what items, but there are things like aluminum foil, cooking utensils and such that we can bring from our own homes. So we are going to figure out who is bringing what in that way.

I've added a new section to my website ( called "Fun Time Kids". They are cute little punch art kids holding various items and I am also offering matching accessories called "Fun Time Accessories". Do you like that name? I'm not really sure if I do or not. A couple of other ideas I had are "Simple Pleasures Kids" or "Sweet Smiles Kids" ... what do you think? Opinions please!

Well ... gotta get the house picked up before our guests arrive.
Hope you all have a GREAT day!


  1. hey! l like Fun Time Kids and Fun Time Accessories! And your kids are so cute...
    You can definitely tell that you have a boy in your life! lol

    I have been so covered up this month with stuff --- my life gets over-crowded and I don't know how to get off the hamster wheel!!!!

    But I am glad that I got to stop in and check on you. You always seem to do such fun stuff!!! Have a great week. :)

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I love yard sales but I seem to be on a mission each time I pass one...or I don't have any cash and I'm sure they wouldn't accept my debit card, he he

  3. Love the pic of the kids in the tractor!
    I love going to yard/garage sales. I can find some really neat things at them, at great prices!

  4. I love yard sales, but don't have much time to go. DH has his pilots license too, has not flown for many years though. He got caught up in motocross and cars and just ran out of time to fly! Love the pic of G and his friends on the tractor!!

  5. Sounds like a great shopping weekend!!! Fun!!

  6. Hey Missy we was checkin' out your blog and it is soooo cool....we just got back from the wal-mart and bought ghost rider and some washin' powders...I guess we will be washin' clothes and watchin' the movie till I fall asleep
