Thursday, May 10, 2007

7 Weird Things About Moi.

I was tagged by my friend Andi to list "7 Weird Things About Me". Each player starts with 7 random weird facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged write their 7 things on their blog and post these rules. It also requests that I tag an additional 7 people ... but I think most folks that visit my blog have already been tagged ... so, if you would like to play, please do! Here goes ...

1. I do not like lettuce or cheese on a sandwich or tacos. If lettuce or cheese is on a sandwich/taco, that's all I can taste. Leave lettuce to salads only!

2. My real name is Melissa, but NOBODY calls me that. If someone calls on the telephone and they ask for "Melissa", then I know they do not personally know me.

3. I drink lots of iced tea ... but it has to be the plain brewed kind. I do not like the iced tea that comes in a can or liter bottle ... they just are NOT southern iced tea. And please ... leave the fruit flavors OUT of my iced tea.

4. I never paint my finger nails. I would love to, but since I'm in the "creative art" (read paper piecing) business, I'm afraid I will slice a bright red fingernail right across something I've just made and leave a mark ... so NO nail polish for me.

5. I have a fairly heavy southern accent ... and really ... it comes out really heavy when I'm around other people that do NOT have a southern accent. The other day my friend Heidi was over and I caught myself saying "yon't a drink" ... which in clear English was "Do you want a drink" ... LOL ... I really have to be careful!

6. I allow my ice cream to melt a full 20 minutes before enjoying it ... it tastes better that way. And I guess I should also say I like my Diet Pepsi flat and my Oreo's stale (soft).

7. I love my mother-in-law ... I know this may sound weird to some people, because it is often times hard to have a loving relationship with an in-law ... but Bett my MIL ... I really do love and respect her. Both of my parents have passed away and my MIL makes me feel like her child. She has always been there for me, I can call and talk to her about anything ... and I *know* that she loves Mike, Griffin and me with her entire heart. I just wished we lived closer ... I miss her.

Okay ... that's my 7 weird things ... care to share yours?


  1. Glad to learn some stuff about ya Missy!!! I shared mine last week, check me out. I am real exciting...LOL

    It isn't weird you love your MIL.
    I love mine to death, as a matter of fact she intorduces me as her daughter. I aspire to be just like her one day!! She is terriffic

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Glad to learn about your weirdness Missy :)
    JK~you cracked me up a few times.
    I don't like lettuce on tacos either, ick!

  3. I adore your southern accent and southern charm! Of course my husband has quite a southern accent as we would have understood exactly what you were saying!

    I don't paint my fingernails either...but I always paint my toenails!

    I think it's wonderful that you have such a close relationship with your MIL Bett.

    And you were right...I drove the car right to Pat's for a good washing!

  4. Great list! I miss hearing Southern accents. My great-grandma had a wonderful one! Sometimes I like just listening to Paula Deen just for the accent!

  5. I love your 7 listings. I love to hear a good southern accent.

    Take care and Happy Mother's Day

  6. I love a good Southern accent. I have been told *I* have "Northerners". I was born and raised in OHio but spent every Summer of my life from 0-19 in Tennessee. Then, right after I was married, my parents moved there. Over the next 26 years I spent as much time in TN as anywhere else. I also lived in Fl., TX, VA and TN (along with many other states!) and picked up their nuances. To this day I am often asked, "From where in the South do you hail?" *grin*

    I envy your relationship with your MIL. I loved mune and she loved me but she was a VERY difficult woman. Bill often distanced himself form her our of necessity. In the last 5 years of her life, we lived here and she and I became the closest we ever were. She finally got some gelp for her problems and I learned to hush and not take things personally.

    I don't paint my fingernails either. Between housework, yardwork, taking care of the little one I watch, art and crafting, well, it is almost impossible! I like painted toes though! : )

    I loved your list...don;t think you are odd at all!! : ) Except I *do* like lettuce on everything! Is THAT weird?? *laugh*

    Have a sweet Mom's Day!


  7. I love a good Southern accent. I have been told *I* have "Northerners". I was born and raised in OHio but spent every Summer of my life from 0-19 in Tennessee. Then, right after I was married, my parents moved there. Over the next 26 years I spent as much time in TN as anywhere else. I also lived in Fl., TX, VA and TN (along with many other states!) and picked up their nuances. To this day I am often asked, "From where in the South do you hail?" *grin*

    I envy your relationship with your MIL. I loved mune and she loved me but she was a VERY difficult woman. Bill often distanced himself form her our of necessity. In the last 5 years of her life, we lived here and she and I became the closest we ever were. She finally got some gelp for her problems and I learned to hush and not take things personally.

    I don't paint my fingernails either. Between housework, yardwork, taking care of the little one I watch, art and crafting, well, it is almost impossible! I like painted toes though! : )

    I loved your list...don;t think you are odd at all!! : ) Except I *do* like lettuce on everything! Is THAT weird?? *laugh*

    Have a sweet Mom's Day!


  8. I loved reading your list! I haven't done my "7 weird things" list yet. This week has been a little busy for me, but I'm going to try and get it soon!
    Have a great mother's day today!!

  9. How fun to learn more things about you. I don't like lettuce at all! It would be fun to hear you talk. and loving your mother in law is a wonderful thing.
