Thursday, April 26, 2007

I've Been Tagged.

Jen tagged me to to share 7 random facts/tidbits/habits about yourself that your blog friends may not know already. Then I must tag 7 more people at the end of my post, to get them to do the same!Seven things about me:

1. I witnessed the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding in January 1986. We lived in Florida and I was working the drive-thru at McDonald's. I looked up and saw what I thought was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Soon I realized exactly what had happened as folks were sharing the news as they drove up. I am convinced to this day that what I saw was the crew's souls being lifted toward heaven.

2. I count the stairs in our house each and every time I come down them ... that way I know how many more I have to go to reach the bottom. Many times I have a 30 pound boy in my arms, so it makes life a little easier knowing "where" I am on the stairs.

3. I cry every week when I watch Extreme Make Over Home Edition ... never fails.

4. Both of my parents are deceased. My momma died in 1976 from complications of her intestinal by-pass operation (to lose weight). My daddy passed away in 1998 ... he died from heart disease. Of my four grandparents, I only knew one ... my Granny and she died in 1977.

5. I tape The View everyday and then watch the "Hot Topics" when Griffin is napping. I also visit Rosie's Blog ( everyday. Although I do not agree with most everything she has to say, I am a fan.

6. I am extremely afraid of large bodies of water ... lakes, rivers, ponds, the ocean. I have a huge fear of drowning or of being eaten by a shark or alligator.

7. I had a cesarean (thanks Jen for the idea) when I had Griffin. Mike laughs that I did not "give birth" to him ... that he was "removed". I'll be honest ... it was easy. I remember talking to the doctor's about Disney World while they were doing the cesarean and then I heard our little baby crying. The recovery was not that difficult (for me) either.

Then I am supposed to tag 7 people ... really I do not know who has chosen to do this challenge ... so if you would like to do it ... please feel free!


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I read Rosie's Blog everyday too! She makes me laugh.

  2. I'll give it a try

  3. I remember that morning in 1986 as well Missy. I was working in the drive thru at Barnett Bank on Cypress Gardens Road. Our windows faced East and we were waiting to watch the shuttle. When we realized it had exploded I remember I kept saying "the teacher, the teacher". Teacher Christa McAuliffe had been so excited to be chosen for that shuttle flight and all I could think of was her classroom and school full of children watching the launch in horror.

  4. I so remember that day too...we usde to watch the shuttles go up from our yard in Tampa. You could see them pretty well.

    I read Rosie too...agree or disagree she made Hot Topics fun!
    I guess she is leaving now...

    So glad you are home safey but I know you leave a little of your heart in Florida each time you go back.

    Have a sweet weekend Missy!


  5. I enjoyed learning more about you. I sure missed you while you were gone. Glad you're home and little G man too. :o)

  6. I love your answers!! I was working in a daycare when the Challenger exploded. The kids were taking a nap and I was listening to the radio and I just started crying. Speaking of crying-yes, yes, yes I cry every Sunday at Extreme Makeover Home Edition also.

    My parents are also gone. My mother passed away when I was 27 (1984) -A little luckier with my father- he passed away 3 years ago in June. Even at the ripe old age of 50- I still miss them.

    Take care,
