Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Celebrating 300!

Wow ... I'm celebrating my 300th blog post today.

It makes me so happy to blog. It brings joy to my life.
I've made some really wonderful friends by blogging.

So ... let's celebrate a little bit ...

See the fun things in the picture above?
A really cool pewter frame
Two Buttercream Yankee Candles
A package of Peanut Butter Kisses
Mary Engelbreit Stickers
Jolee's Stickers
A fun little calendar

I will be gifting this entire package to one person.

To enter for the gift drawing, simply leave a comment under this post and tell me what you look forward to when Spring arrives.

That's it ... it's that easy!

I will give everyone a couple of days (Tuesday and Wednesday) to post your comment and then Griffin and I will put everyone's name in a hat on Thursday and I will let him draw the name.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day!


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Yay!! Happy 300th post Missy!

    What I enjoy about Spring is the "rebirth" of the Earth, the flowers, the grass, the trees, etc. I like to see some color outside other than brown :)

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    happy 300th post! I have read every one! and look forward to 300 more!

    I love being able to get outside without the bulkyness, I love the flowers, grass and leaves returning. And the smell of the earth as everything wakes from winters sleep.

    Jen R.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Hey Missy, It's me Jami in San Antonio! Congrats...I guess I better look into this "blog" stuff. Love to plant new flowers and love the "smell" although I know the Texas "heat" is on the way! I will figure this blogging out and will see how I do. Justin would love it.

  4. Yeah! 300 POSTS!!! WOO HOO

    I look forward to the spring so much. My favorite thing is jumping on the trampoline with my daughter every day, and falling down with no breath left and gazing up at the beautiful sky and hearing her tell me what she sees.

  5. Happy 300th blog post, Missy! I always enjoy them.
    As for spring, I look forward to opening the windows and getting some nice fresh air in the house - and also not having to wear my big winter coat anymore! ;)

  6. Now I can take some wonderful spring walks with my grand daughter, Mackenzie, age 4. She delights in the simplest things, a dandelion is not a weed. It's a gift for mommy, a caterpillar is not an ugly "bug" to be squished...after all she says, "it's going to grow wings and be a beautiful butterfly soon." I would not trade this time with her for ANYTHING in this world.

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Hi Missy- Happy 300th- I read yourblog everyday! Thanks for your help on the CRICKET- although I still have not decided if I should buy one or not! Have a great day!

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Oh, Missy what fun! What a great idea......your such a sweetheart, wish I lived closer to you to really meet someday. We travel to Virginia often, but just not your area of VA.

    I look forward to spring just to run my feet through the grass, and to put my famous flip-flops/sandals back on.......I miss my 20 pair of sandals/flip flops. Laugh.

    Have a great day,
    Wendy L.

  9. YOu are such a sweetie and what wonderful gifts!
    Spring is a time for possibilities...the garden of my dreams is so clearly in my mind...Summer's heat may ruin that but, for now, it IS a possibiity!
    Renewal...Spring isa time to renew one's spirit as nature renews her trees, flowers and grass.
    It is a time for joy...for re evaluating what is important in one's life.
    Spring is warmth...as are blog friends, like Missy!
    Hugs to you all,

  10. The beautiful flowers & the smell of fresh cut grass!
    Happy 300th post! WOW!!
    Love ya!

  11. Hi Missy and Happy 300th post! Leave to you to come up with something so sweet to share with everyone! I can't say I look forward to Spring..but I do have many memories both good and bad of Sping from my past.

    Sping is:
    When I met my sweet Hobo.( Hobo was the nic name my late hubby used on the net) We met in April of 96'

    Spring is:
    When we always got new "Sunday clothes" for Easter.

    Spring is: Celebrating Easter at my Godmother Betty's house, having "little pigs" and waffles for breakfast followed by an Easter Egg hunt, a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle) and finally a dinner at the Moon Temple for chinese food. We did this every year untill my parents divorced when I was 11. This is one of my favorite memories from my childhood and still brings a smile to my face as I type this.
    (little pigs are what I now know as sausage links.)

    Spring is:
    When my mother was diganosed with Cancer...she passed away in Aug of 1994.

    Spring is:
    When the daffodils bloom in the Puyallup Valley where I lived in Washington. I never missed the Daffodil Festival and parade, even if it rained as it so often does in WA.

    Spring is:
    When my children were young we took them to Marine World/Africa USA during their Spring Break from school. We loved the Whale show and always sat up front so we'd get "splashed".

    Spring is:
    When the Tornado struck our area last year.

    Spring is:
    When I met a very special friend from ebay... YOU!

    Sping is so many things, renewal of mother earth and ones spirit. The rebirth of the trees and flowers, birds singing in the trees, sunny days and cool nights.

    I can't say I look forward to spring like I look forward to Fall, but it's a time of year that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling as you observe nature and all it's wonders.

  12. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Congrats on 300...love to see what you have been up to. Your such a busy Mom.

    I love the not too hot spring days, and the stillness in the air.
    The tulips, and the trip to Pacific Grove Ca. to see the purple stuff in bloom along the sea wall.

  13. Anonymous7:42 PM

    What Spring brings - My birthday, Easter celebrations bring family together, days styaing lighter longer.... Ah it's all good:)

  14. Happy 300th post!!

    What I love about Spring. My daughter was born in May. I got engaged in May (all spring) and I love, love, the smell of Lilacs. The birds the sun, the longer days. You name it-if it deals with Spring I love it!

    Take care,

  15. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I love when the first few perennial herbs push through the ground and become tall enough for me to snip their leaves, crush them and inhale the wonderful smells.

  16. Congratulations on you 300th post.

    I know spring is near when I see my azaleas and daffodils start blooming and it will soon be time to get outside and play with my grandson, Brady. Brady and I spend each day together as I am a work at home grandmother. I have had the pleasure of keeping Brady since he was 2 months old. He is now 3.5.

    Keep up your blogging and making such wonderful scrapbook items. They are great additions to my pages.

  17. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hi Missy! Happy 300th post! I'm celebrating with you!

    Spring has arrived here in California. I think what I look forward to most is the flowering of the trees and the blooming of the tulips and daffodils.

    Happy Spring! Jeannette in Antioch, CA

  18. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I love the sounds of the birds chirping and of course those annoying bull frogs!

    Kristen Cooper

  19. Happy 300th post Missy!!! I do believe I've read each and every one of them and feel especially blessed because I really do know you in the real world...not just the blogging world!

    Robin and I used to talk about what you were doing from what we read on your blog and now we're bloggers ourselves.

    Now...to be included in the special drawing you and Griffin are doing...you know how I love prizes!!!

    What I look forward to when Spring arrives. Since you grew up right here where I live you are aware that the weather seems like Spring throughout most of the Winter. But the things I look forward too...the days getting longer...a little more daylight...I look forward to the Cleveland Indians coming to town for their Spring Training and taking in a game with my hubby...I also look forward to Easter and having family here for a traditional dinner which includes a Honey Baked Ham...and...hope this doesn't sound mean...I look forward to the snow birds returning home to their own states and less traffic on the roadways.

    Draw my name Griffin!!!

  20. Count me in!! I love that frame...where did you get it? Lets see...what I love about spring is the feeling of freedom - being able to let the kids play outside in the warm sun, being able to shop at the outdoor shopping centers without it being too hot yet, the fact that it is light later...I could go on and on! My favorite time of the year!

  21. Hey Missy.
    wow, what an accomplishment - 300 posts! That is almost a year! You are an awesome and amazing mom, that is for sure.

    I LOVE Spring, mostly I love to see the flowers begin to bloom. The daffodils start to peek their little heads out as soon as some warm weather starts to appear and it just makes me so happy. Those flowers remind me of my Mamaw - because she had a yard full of yellow daffodils and she always cut a bunch for me and my sister to take home.

    Enjoying while I can!! :)
    I fear we still have a few cold days - but I am also heading up to Baltimore and NYC this weekend and they could even have some snow! Yikes!

  22. Cograts on your 300th post.. Spring is my favorite season. I love the cool breeze that flows through my windows. Soft drizzly rain, flowers popping up and the birdies singing...

  23. Happy 300th! I have lurked a bit. pb kisses? Well...since you mentioned pb kisses, I had to take the punge and say "hi!"

    I look forward to tulips!


  24. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Like many others, I have read every blog. I do not "blog" I just conect from your website everyday or so and catch up to see whats going on.
    Spring gives me warm weather and flowers. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I love to take pictures of the trees blooming and the leaves budding. After being cooped up inside for the winter it feels like being set free to roam in the Spring.
    Katie C.

  25. I received the wonderful assortment of Spring gifts from Missy and I just wanted to say THANK YOU because they are so great. What a terrific way to celebrate and I feel so blessed. :)
