Thursday, March 15, 2007

And the gift goes to ...

I would like to send a great big THANK YOU to everyone who left a comment on our fun little give-a-way blog post.

This really was ALOT of fun and I do plan to have more give-a-ways in the future.

Everyone's name went into Griffin's baseball cap ...

And then he did the honors of picking a name out of the cap ...

And the gift goes to ....

Sandy !

You can visit Sandy's blog by clicking HERE

Sandy, please email ( me your last name and mailing address so I can get your gift package in the mail to you.

Thanks everyone!


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Congrats Sandy!!

    G looks too cute with that cap in his hands...

  2. Yeah Sandy,

    Sound like you could use a booster. Hang in there, we will be praying for your mom.

  3. Congratulations to Sandy!!!

    Griffin looks like he thinks this is fun you'll have to do another give away for sure!!!

  4. wow! thank you so much Missy! And what a cute photo presentation you gave us - your son is a doll! But so are you. :)

    Thanks girls for the congrats and the prayers and wishes for my Mom. We are doing well.

    Breast cancer is probably the most treatable cancer - for that we are most grateful. But I am now on a crusade - I hope that all of you are faithful with getting mammograms and as hard as it is to do self-exams, try to get comfortable with how your own body feels. That is how Mom found her lump, so it really is important.

    Springs Blessings to you all!!

  5. Congratulations to Sandy! What a sweet gift to receive...
    G looks so adorable...good job sweet G!!

    We will all be praying for your mom. Many blessings!

    Love to you all,

  6. Congrats to Sandy!! Great job Griffin. Do you hire out?

    Take care,

  7. Congrats to Sandy and a big thank you hug to Missy for all the fun and pictures she provides us with each week on her blog! A toast to the next 300!

  8. That is the most adorable photo of your little guy sitting there ready to draw a name from the cap. Congrats to Sandy!! :)

  9. Congratulations to Sandy! I'll bet Griffin got a big kick out of picking the name out of his hat! So cute!

  10. Yay!! Congratulations Sandy!!
