Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The VIRUS ...

C'mon everybody ... let's sing ...
The VIRUS in the house goes round and round, round and round, round and round ...

Oh my gosh ya'll ... we have been so, so sick ... CRAZY sick.

This is a bit graphic ... so if you have a weak stomach STOP READING!!

Thursday night Griffin got throw-up sick for the first time. He started about 11 pm and he continued throwing up until about 4 am. He was so scared ... and I felt so sorry for him.

Friday it turned into diarrhea (from here on out this will be referred to as D) and we thought YEAH ... at least he's not throwing up anymore. Friday night, once again he started throwing up about 2 am. He only had one really good throw-up and we got him settled back down.

Saturday I called the nurse on call at the pediatriacs office and she encouraged us to bring him in. We get there, didn't have to wait long and our doctor said that it was a very CONTAGIOUS stomach virus that was going around. So, we should limit what he ate to carbs only (crackers, bread and noodles) and no milk for 3-4 days. After the doctor we stopped by Walmart and as we were leaving I told Mike that I didn't feel well. Right after getting home ... it hit me like a ton of bricks. Throwing up and D ... oh my gosh, I have never been so sick in my entire life. I was literally crying I felt so bad. So ... Mike had to take care of both me and Griffin. Then about 9 pm on Saturday ... it hit Mike. Our entire family was sick. Griffin didn't throw-up at all Saturday night and we are greatful because Mike and I were so sick ourselves.

Sunday brought a day of rest for the entire family. We took it easy and ate only the minimum and drank our Diet Sierra Mist. By Sunday night Mike and I were feeling some better ... Griffin seemed fine too. Come 2 am ... he started throwing up again.

Monday ... I still have D and so does G. Mike is well enough to go work. I really kept our food to a minimum on Monday. All of actually ate plain spaghetti noodles with a little parmesan cheese sprinkled on it for dinner, no butter mind you.

And today ... we are all feeling better.

I do not wish this virus on my worse enemy. It is BAD ... bad, bad, bad.

I've missed visiting all of my blogging friends ... but I just haven't felt like it. I will try to visit as soon as I can. I am just catching up on emails and housework. I've missed you all!!!


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Oh yuk yuk and yuk. That just plain sucks! I hate stomach viruses. Hope it all gone now.

    Today they gave away $250 necklaces, $100 GC to AC Moore, and an audience member won $25,000! Holy crap

  2. I am so sorry that you all are sick. My kids were sick last week too. I hope that you all feel better soon....

  3. I was getting a bit worried about ya'll... was getting ready to email you, but I thought I'd check the blog one more time.
    So sorry ya'll had "IT". IT has hit us here too.. with me being the only one that has not been effected. Jeff started with the V & D last night, then Laura and Rachel started in with both this morning. I went to work and came home early...wanted to try and take care of them. (mom to the rescue with 7 up!LOL) All of them are in bed.. me.. I'm startin to feel a bit quezy...ugh. Not sure if it's IT or my gallbladder. Hope you're all better soon.

  4. Oh Missy! I am so sorry...I was worried about you! You had been so quiet of late.

    Oh! When you have a chance...would be send me your smail mail address? Just when you have a chance...I would like to do something abit later for you.

    Feel better...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. Missy, I feel so bad that you have all been sick...and it just sounds terrible. And when your baby is sick you feel so helpless. I was wondering why you hadn't been on blogger and now I know. I sure hope you've seen your last of "the virus". I think I would be crying too! Hugs to you sweetie!

  6. Oh...I feel for you guys. We have all been feeling pretty rotten too. Feel better soon!

  7. Hate to hear you all have been feeling so bad, we have been fighting to keep it away. Lysol everything!! LOL

    Hope your feeling better soon, cuz there is no body to take care of mommy when she is sick.

  8. I feel so sorry for you and everyone being so sick. Man- for everyone to be sick at the same time. Hope you all are feeling better soon.

    Take care,
