Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Quicky Update ...

Hey Ya'll ... I'm still alive ... just haven't had much time to update the past couple of days as my mother-in-law is visiting. We are having a great time. She arrived late on Saturday, so we went to the outlets in Williamsburg on Sunday instead. Honestly, I'm not much of a shopper, but we had a good time.

Yesterday I was finally able to get my hair cut. Really, the only chance I get to get my hair cut is when family visits. So, it's nice having a shorter new do right now. We also made a stop at Walmart to stock up on birthday party stuff and went to my favorite Chinese buffet for lunch.

This morning it's 3 degrees outside ... can you even believe that? It's been ALOOONG time since it's been that cold here. We do plan to go out today. Beginning this week the Mommy & Me Gym time will now be available on Tuesdays AND Wednesdays. How great is that?? So ... I thought it would be great fun for Grandma to enjoy some time with Griffin at the gym. Hopefully it will warm up at least a little.

I've took some time to visit most of my blogging buddies yesterday, but didn't have a chance to leave comments (dial up sucks ... sorry but it does). Anyway, when we get home today from the gym and G goes down for a nap, I'm going to try to visit and let you know I was there. I did want to give a "shout out" to a couple of people. Terri (TK Angels) ... thank you for being a new visitor to my blog. I've visited your blog many times since you've visited mine, but Blogger will not allow me to leave comments. I just don't understand why. Anyway ... hi there and thank you for visiting. And Cassandra ... did you ever start your blog? If so ... make sure to leave your blog link in my comments section ... I'd love to visit yours!

Well ... tomorrow is Griffin's 2nd birthday and we will be having his party. I'm sooo excited. The weather forecast is SNOW ... but hopefully our friends will still be able to make the party.

Until next time .... hope ya'll have a great day!


  1. Sounds like you're having a great time with your mother-in-law. We have it cold here too - VERY cold! Stay warm, and enjoy the party tomorrow!

  2. I know you're enjoying Bett's visit. Have fun tomorrow with Griffin's birthday. I know it will be special.

    Stay warm!

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Happy Birthday G!!

  4. It's been brrrrrrr cold here too! It was so cold there was a quarter inch of ice on the pool! Never seen that before, the pools in CA don't freeze over... lol
    Stay warm..

  5. It is really cold here too Missy...got about 6 unches of snow today. Really pretty!
    It is always sweet to have family visit isn't it?
    Griffin will have such a special birthday...can not wait to see pictures! : )
    Stay warm and well...
    Love and hugs,

  6. I'm so glad you guys are having a good time together. I can't wait to see your new hair-do. Give Griffin a big birthday hug from Auntie Jolene. Stay warm!

  7. Happy birthday Griffin. Sounds like you and your mother-in-law get along great. Such a blessing. Not sure why you can't get on my blog? I am such a virgin with this blogging thing.

    Take care,

  8. Hey Missy, It was in the mid 50's to here in Colorado today. The snow is melting...slowly. Maybe warmth is coming your way. Have a great day tomorrow at your boy's party. OH yeah Happy B-Day Griffin!

  9. Missy - I was so flattered that you remembered my post about starting a blog, that I started it today! I am so new to all of this, I hope you can get to it okay!


    (I know it's long!!)

    Happy Birthday Griffin!
