Thursday, February 22, 2007


Yesterday Griffin was feeling better and we were getting a bit stir crazy so we met our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan for lunch at Applebee's.

We settled in for what I was hoping to be a wonderfully relaxing lunch. Didn't turn out quite that way. Griffin was loud, very loud at times ... the loudest I've ever heard him be. Heidi reminded me he was acting like a normal two-year old.

After awhile the hostess came by and handed me some crackers and said to me "Here try these, I don't know what's wrong with him, is he teething or something?" ... I commented back "I dn't know what's up with him today either". She went on to say something like "Well, all of the people coming in for lunch do not want to sit back here near you all because of the noise, we do have alot of professional people that come in for lunch". I was floored. I didn't know what to say.

I realize what she was saying was more than likely true, but I was astounded she actually verbalized these comments to me.

Heidi asked to speak with a manager ... she shared what happened with the hostess and said we rarely have time to actually come to a restaurant to enjoy ourselves. We realize our children are being a little loud as children usually are, but we are controlling them, we are not letting them run around the restaurant. The manager apologized and said he would talk to the hostess. He went on to say he has young children and he totally understands. I was very upset ... pissed off really. As we were finishing up with the manager the hostess came over and said something like "if I said something that ..." I cut her off. I didn't want to hear it. She made me mad and I wasn't ready to accept an apology. Very adult of me I know.

As we were finishing our meal, enjoying the free dessert the manager so graciously gave us, this man, dressed in a very nice business suit came up to our table. He said, "is this the table with all the children making noise" ... big gulp from me ... I said, yes sir it is. He said to me ... it's such a joy to hear children enjoying themselves. If my wife were here with me she would be eating your boys up! Oh my gosh!!! He made me feel sooooooooo much better. I got teared up and thanked him for taking the time to stop by and told him how very much it meant to me.

I know he must have overheard the manager saying something to the hostess.

This man made a miserable situation almost bearable.

Anyway ... after getting Griffin in the car, I realized he was tired. So tired in fact as soon as I pulled out of the mall parking lot he was out like a light (about 1:30) and slept until almost 5:00 pm! He was cranky AND loud because he was tired.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    One word for that chick....what a bitch! OMG! I would've been so pissed too!

  2. Hi there, sorry it's been a while. Looks like I have some catching up to do on your blog! Just wanted to say thanks for your kind words. I am back now though and have posted about what's been keeping me away.

    And as for the Applebee's b*tch, she mustn't have kids of her own or she would have been much more understanding. I am also floored that she said that to you. Out loud. I think her words were meant to stay in her head. Golly people are just awful at times! Sorry that happened, but don't let it stop you from going out again!

  3. Oooooh, I would've been so MAD! How dare her say something like that! Applebees is a family restaurant, and I'm sure lots of kids are there all the time, loud and all. That's just the way kids are! She should've understood that, but like someone else said, she obviously didn't have kids of her own, or she would've known what it's like taking them out at that age. I would serve her right to get fired, then maybe she'd think in the future about saying something like that to a customer! I'm glad the man said those kind words to make up for the rude ones.

  4. *I wish we could edit posts for spelling!* see above: it should read "IT would serve her right..."

  5. What an idiot she was...why in the world would a person like her choose to work in a public setting if she obviously is such a miserable woman?!

  6. The sound of children shouting and laughing should be music to everyone's ears!!!

    So your little guy was tired and a little louder than usual. He has a right to be loud from time to time. We can't always use our "inside" voice!

    I'm not wild about Applebees anyway and the hostess was out of line..

  7. OMG! Who the heck gave that girl a job as a hostess? I think she needs a reality check!
    I can understand her offering the crackers, that's a common practice in the restaurant biz..but her words were WAY out of line.
    Thank goodness for that kind man that spoke to you! I'm sure he was more the "norm" as most people understand that little ones sometimes act up or get loud.
    It's when the parents ignore what the kids are doing and letting them run all over the place when something should be said, but diplomatically so as not to offend.
    I remember the trouble you had in November with the spilling of coke on your friends two boys. Maybe your area needs better service people! lol jk
    As was said before, AppleBees is a FAMILY establishment... can't get more family than kids with thier parents. Glad you didn't accept her apologies..maybe she'll think of other feelings before opening her mouth next time!

  8. You know when you go out to eat at a "Family Restaurant" family and kids go with the territory.

    Rick and I laugh when the kids are having fun (even loudly) when one is upset-Rick will always say-he/she must be mad and then he laughs.

    She must of had a bad day or maybe she doesn't like kids? It would have upset me also. Was she an older lady?

    Anyway that gentleman was a very nice man.

    Take care,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Some people... When my daughter was little we were in a walmart and she was geting tired and fussy, not being loud at all. I was trying to finish and get out. This lady from the other asile yelled over "make that $$&$@@ brat shut up". I was so shocked, it made me so mad that I told her where to go....Kids are kids.. Get a grip people....

  11. Oh my gosh was she rude. I would have been mad too. I'm so glad the nice man turned things around a bit.
    Did you get the apple chiimi cheesecake? That's the BEST...honest!

  12. All I can say is WOW and WOW

    How rude of the waitress to feel like she could voice her opinion of your child. Sometimes peoples rudness takes you by surprise and you don't know what to say.

    The gentleman who came over with the kind words, that was very sweet.

    Only people without children would not be kind or understanding

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    OMG!! I can't believe the waitress said those things to you! I have 2 small children and yes they are sometimes extremely loud but I am lucky to never of had someone critize it. I would not worry about her! Kids are blessings at all times--even when a little un-rulely!

  14. Missy, that hostess needs prayer and a lot of it. How sad for her that she felt she had to share her miserable day with a child.
