Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Today ...

Our sweet smiling boy just makes me so happy ...

I woke up at 5:00 this morning when Mike went downstairs to put more firewood in the fireplace ... and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, here I am sitting in front of the computer with a little extra time this morning.

I took the time to switch over to the new version of Blogger ... I hope I like it. I tried to do it yesterday, but of course when I took time to do it then, was down. Oh well ... it's done now.

It's Wednesday ... as you might know ... it's gym day. We actually get to see and talk to people today. We went out to the Post Office yesterday and I realized we had not left the house since Friday. Gosh, we sure lead a boring life.


  1. I have a boring life now too, since the kids are all driving I have no reason to get out sometimes... The boop-mobile is already 4 months old and has less than 4000 miles on her.... T

  2. So you made the switch to the new version of Blogger. Let us know if you like it better. It looks like all your old posts are still, comments and all. Maybe I'll take the "leap" and switch this weekend.

    Griffin's picture is so cute...makes me want to hug him!!!

  3. How can you say your life is boring when you have that sweet little guy to run around after!
    I switched to the new blogger a couple of days ago, don't notice much difference really, except when I log in. Have a fun at gym day!

  4. The new version is really no different than the old.

    I'll campare boring with you anyday to see who wins. LOL

    Hope you have an exciting day today!

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I love the Beta's so much easier to add and delete things!

    My life is rather boring too :(

  6. My dear niece Janna finally updated her blog!!! Happy 2007!!!

  7. I can't decide if I should switch over or not---it makes me nervous!

    Your little boy is SO cute! Awww!
    So smiley!

  8. Griffin is a doll...what a precious face and those huge eyes!

    Boring?? No are a wonderful lady and great mom and wife. I love to stay at home and just be in this place that I love so. It is the best isn't it? NOT boring! *smile*

    Stay well...

    Love and hugs,

  9. Griffin's face is just what I need to give me my fist morning smile.
    I'm too chicken to make the leap to beta...maybe one day...or I'll set up Mark's blog in beta and see how I like it first.
    I would love some boring around here right now...sometimes boring is a really good thing. I really don't think your boring at all and it's great to be able to stay home. It's my favorite thing to do.
