Friday, January 05, 2007

Let It Snow ...

We've had such a moderate winter so far this season.
It was in the 70's yesterday ... and it's January!!

Although we've had no snow ... I did manage to create a dozen snowmen yesterday.

For those of you that do not know what I "do" ... I'm a stay-at-home Mommy with a small online scrapbooking store called I've been in business online since 1997 ... so hard to believe it's been 10 years since I created and sold my first handmade paper piecing.

I've been blessed with this opportunity and I thank God each and everyday for it.


  1. Oh Missy, those are so cute!!! You are quite the creative one dear friend. Makes me wish we had snow here in Florida so I could take some pictures to use with that snowman!!! Wishful thinking...its been hot!

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Well, doesn't look like snow anytime soon....supposed to be 70 here in NJ tomorrow! ICK!
    Those are adorable BTW :)

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Way to go Missy.... I wish you much luck this year with your new system of working.... Cute snowmen...

    It rained all day yesterday but around 5 pm I walked outside to see the most beautiful rainbow..... A complete rainbow at that....Today it is suposed to get up in the 70's... Talk to you later.... T

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    So cute! I'll have to check out your store...

    aimee (on our way)

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Those snowmen are adorable, Missy! It's the only snow I've seen in a while, since we haven't had any here in ages! It's been warmer than usual in my neck of the woods too, so we've had rain - all day yesterday - but if the temperatures were lower, it would've all been snow. I actually would've preferred the snow to all the mud that's out there now! The snow is much prettier!
    You are very talented!

  6. The snowmen are adorable!! Love em!
    It's also warm here in Bama. Wore short sleeves today and one DD even wore shorts. Weird weather!

  7. Oh my gosh Missy....they are soooo A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! I love them!
