Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007 ...

Wow ... I can hardly believe 2006 is gone already ... a year that just zoomed by.

I really look forward to this new year ... it's a time of renewal ... a time for reflection ... a time to get motivated.

It's hard to believe I will be 40 years old this year ... I once thought 40 was sooo old ... yet here I am staring it in the face, and it doesn't seem nearly as old as it once was. I still have 9 months to be 39 ... I'll just wrap my happy thoughts around that!

I have thought of a few resolutions I would like to make ... so I will share them.

1. Achieve better health ... yes, I would most definately like to loose weight ... but better health is much more important to me right now.

2. I will strive to stay awake longer at night to spend more time with my husband. No more falling to sleep at 8:30 ... staying awake until 10:00 pm each night ... that's my goal.

3. Be more creative ... find that spark of creative energy I once had.

4. Be a better wife, mother, daughter-in-law, sister and friend ... listen more, spend more time with those I love, stay in touch.

5. Find the best balance in being a work-at-home Mommy and still devote the time to my son that he so deserves ... I'm working on this one daily.

6. Learn to use my left hand with the mouse on the computer. That way when Griffin wants to sit in my lap to watch Elmo, I can still read my emails.

Not that many resolutions ... and I'm sure I have more ... but there you have the things that I have on my mind.


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Wow! You've set some powerful goals for yourself this year. Watch for mine later in another post. Just wanted to get photos from last night out this morning.

  2. Missy, I think your goals are great. I think we all could use a reality check when it comes to staying in touch and spending time with family and friends. Isn't it sad that we all are always too busy? Good luck with your goal of staying up until 10:00pm, I tend to fall asleep around 9:00!! Tom says it's because I'm bored...I guess I can only watch the food network just so much.

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Great goals Missy. I will hope that all that makes you happy becomes a reality for you. You are the sweetest lady and I am blessed to *know* you!
    Happy New Year!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your goals Missy. I love setting goals for myself too. There is just something about the fresh start of a new year that I love.

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Great resoultions! Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  6. Excellent resolutions... wishing you the best of luck and most success in achieving your resolutions for 2007! Happy New year! *hugs*

  7. Okay...9 months to be "sweet 39" and then you can celebrate "sweet 40" which is after all just a number. In my book you're still just a youngster!

    Great resolutions Missy! I haven't even had a chance to think about goals and resolutions for 2007. I'll put that on my "to do" list!
