Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Driving ...

I realized something yesterday when I had to drive to downtown Richmond to pick Mike up from work. I do not enjoy driving ... yes, it gets me where I want to go ... but I still do not enjoy it.

I admit it ... I am not a good driver at all. I am not aggressive when I am behind the wheel, actually I'm a bit timid.

Mike on the other hand is a great driver (most of the time). He puts the car exactly where he wants it to be. Me ... I wait to see if the other drivers are going to let me in.

Anyway ... just thought I would share a little known fact about me today ...

I do not enjoy driving.


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That makes two of us Missy.
    I hate to drive any longer than 25 minutes at a time. I always say to myself, how do truck drivers do it?

  2. That's funny! I actually really enjoy driving and one of my favorite things is to go somewhere I've never been, get in the car, and explore!

  3. Missy, I used to love to drive but not so much anymore. I'm always glad when Gene is behind the wheel. And if its dark outside...someone else had better drive or I'll probably just stay home! Yikes!!! Sounds like I'm getting old!

    Reminds me of a joke...the elderly man that told his buddies he was getting married after having been a widower for many years. They must be a really good which he, not really. Then they said she must really be good in bed...and he, not so much. So his buddies asked...then why in the world are you marrying her??? His reply...she drives at night!!!

  4. I'm a good driver and not timid at all, but Mark is far better. Well I should mention that I don't like to drive next to big semi trucks or over bridges or high overpasses...scares me! Oh and I can't drive LONG distance either. Other that that I'm good. LOL!

  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I used to love it but no more. I do not mind driving around town. I hate highway driving and avoid it if I can. I have had to drive lots of long distances this past year and hate that.

    You stay well and take care of yourself!


  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    But just think of it without life without driving. There would be no library story time, no Gym Jam on Wednesdays, and no trip to find those frozen fried green tomatoes! Just think of it as a means to an end. P.S. Got XM radio in the car for my birthday last year and it really helps pass the time in the car.

  7. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Hi Missy!
    Oh my goodness, you sound EXACTLY like me! I don't like to drive either. I only do it because living in a suburb, I have to. It's the only way I can get to the grocery store, bank, post office, and taking the kids everywhere they need to go! I, like you, am timid behind the wheel, and wait patiently for people to let me in, and I never beep at people. You'd be amazed at how many people honk at me when they're behind me, waiting to make a turn - or if I don't take my foot off the brake at the exact milisecond that the light turns green! My husband is like yours, and nothing bothers him about driving. He'll make left hand turns on busy streets crossing 4 lanes of traffic (where I go out of my way to only turn left at a stoplight!), and always gets the car where he wants or needs it to be without a problem.
    So I can definitely identify! :)

  8. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Oh Sweet Missy, you are too funny, I'm just the opposite.... I love to drive and I drive almost everywhere we go....

    I especially drive when we go to Houston as Rusty just hates it... And I am a nervous wreck when he is driving.... I've even been know to drive to Wisconsin (1300 miles one way) with just the kids.... T

  9. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Sounds just like Mike and I. I can TOTALLY relate!!

  10. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I like to drive unless it is a road trip. Then I dread it!

    Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself!

    Hey, and thanks for putting me on your blog list! Wow!

  11. Anonymous4:10 AM

    I guess I'm most like Aimee. Until several years ago I didn't even mind major road trips. Now, though, I seriously consider flying if I need to go to Atlanta (400+/- miles) or on up to Ashville, NC. Both seem like forever away from central Florida. On long treks like that Bill generally does the driving.

  12. I seem to recall you driving the two of us to somewhere in Plant City on me, you are a great driver if you can do the I-4 trip on the way to Tampa, you may not like it, but face are good at it!!!
