Friday, January 12, 2007

Destiny ...

I have nothing to blog about today ... so I've decided to blog a little about destiny.

The other night when Mike and I were pumping gas in our vehicle a scene played out in front of me that made me think about destiny.

In front of us on one side was a very old man, in a very old Ford pick-up truck moving slow as molasses and double checking things to make sure he remembered to do everything. On the other side of the pump was a very young man, wearing low slung jeans and a hoodie, driving a brand new mustang. Destiny brought these two very different men to the gas pumps at the same time. Destiny brought us there at the same time too. Never once did these two men make eye contact ... never once did they utter a word to each other. How would their lives have changed if they had made eye contact and perhaps said a simple little hello to each other? Is the older man lonely? Perhaps the younger man is lonely? Maybe the little hello would have brought some happiness to their lives. Maybe they are both happy and do not need another person invading their space ... but who knows!

Destiny ...

That's what brought Mike and me together 22 years ago. We had gone to high school together for 3 years, yet we were not friends ... we didn't even know each other. I was friends with some of his friends and he was friends with some of my friends, but we did not know each other at all. Then, we both decided to take a Data Processing class our senior year. The 2nd day of class, Mike came into the room and told me I was in his chair (I wasn't) ... and we had a little argument (just a couple words). That was our first interaction together ... a disagreement.

What if that had never happened?

Some people believe in destiny ... others not so much. I do.

I honestly believe everything happens for a reason and we should pay attention to that. I think I've suggested this before ... a book titled "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" ... it's so good ... and to me, it's all about destiny.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I have the book, it was suggested to me by my daughter's K-5 teacher, she is now in 2nd grade and I've yet to read it.
    I've heard numerous people suggest this book.

    Perhaps I should look for it?

  2. Ok.. so WHAT happened after the dissagreement? How did you two get together? Inquiring minds want to know! lol

  3. I too believe in destiny! I always thought Gene and I were destined to meet and be together.

    Missy, you should post that wonderful prom picture of you and Mike again. I had to go way back in your blogs to discover it and I'm sure some of the newer bloggers would adore seeing it. Mike looks so handsome and you're so pretty in that photo all dressed up at your prom.

  4. I TOTALLY agree in destiny too, and what you said about how everything happens for a reason. That's one of the main things I'm always saying: "Well, everything happens for a reason!". I think it's one of the reasons I like "It's a Wonderful Life" so much - makes you realize what your life would be like if someone in it had never been born, or never met them, or whatever.
    Maybe I'll look for that book; it sounds good!

  5. I absolutely believe in destiny and I also believe that our actions greatly impact the lives of others....even if it's just with a friendly hello, or giving a stanger a jump start when their battery died. You can also impact people the wrong way which is why I've tried to teach my boys to be kind to others. Too much is riding on our behavior not to be nice.

  6. wow Thanks for the story, what a great thought. If we all just went that extra little bit, you never know what could happen.
