Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This Bites ...

Do you see this cute, darling little face???

This sweet little thing is a biter ... BUT ... he only bites ME!

What on earth am I going to do?

Suggestions anyone???


  1. OMG, I don't have any suggestions but it looks like you have him in timeout.... Might be a good start.... I wouldn't do what they would've done when I was kid... You know.... Bite him back.... Now days that is Child Abuse.... Geezz, Missy, I really don't know... But that sure is a darling face..... T

  2. What a cute face!!! I would probably just let him bite me!!!

    Okay, that's not the answer you're looking for but seriously, I don't have a clue. Gosh Missy, we only have a dog. You're going to have to let the people parents help you out on this one. Have you google searched the question. I'm sure there's tons of stuff written on this...since I've heard of lots of children being biters. Good luck!

  3. Well I'm sorry to say, my son was a bitter too... and I really hate telling you what I did.
    I bit him's what they (all the baby advisers of years ago) said was the thing to do. I will say it stopped him... but I did'nt really like doing it. It took about three times of me biting him back for him to stop.
    I'm sure there is some "new" thing for you to do...although I'm not sure what. Mine always seem to bite me when he was excited. Keep us posted Missy.

  4. How can that sweet faced boy be a biter? I didn't have any biters but my sisters son was a biter. She bit him back. It only took a couple of times and he stopped. You can try time out, but he really doesn't understand that biting hurts until you bite him back. I hope he's a fast learner.

  5. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I hate to say it too but bite him back although child abuse now adays you don't want any marks left. I was always told, what they do to you, reverse psychology and do the same back, they throw a temper fit, throw one with them, but other than that -I never had to experience the biting thing, my daughter never did that --- do you do time out with G yet? if not, start now, get A NAUGHTY MAT OR NAUGHTY CHAIR (area) for him......and best of luck, just keeping telling him NO NO NO!!!!

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    My daughter was a biter too and she only bit me. At first I tried the bite her back method, but it actually made her bite harder. Then my husband and I tried to ignore it, no ouch that hurts or anything, just pretended that she didn't do it, and in about 3 days she stopped. I think that she was jealous because of all the attention we were giving her baby sister. But she stopped bitting. I hope this helps you a little.

    I love your blog and love hearing about your little one.

  7. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Oh Missy! He is TOO cute to bite! : ) I nephew started doing it at 2 and, although it did not leave a mark, it COULD hurt! Especially when he got me on the leg. We just stopped him, said NO! Loudly..he always started to cry and ran to us for a hug in comfort. I am such a sap. : ) But he DID stop. Did not take TOO long. By the way, Boo always just bit me (who was his care giver when mommy was at work) and his mommy. Why do they DO that? : )
    He WILl stop. But till then, my recommend would be to strongly tell him no if it hurts too much..or to ignore, pull away and stop playing or whatever. Boo always did it when he was trying to be the center of attention (He usually was anyway!) or get my attention.

    I know this may not help but just wanted you to know that it is a phase that will go away. Sooner rather than later.

    I LOVED the picture! He does look like he has been told he was naughty. He has *that* look. AND it is SO cute!!

    Stay well!!


  8. Missy, I hate to admit it, but I was a biter when I was a kid. I bit my sister and made her bleed and I bit my best friend on the nose! How rude!! OK, lets just say she was crying because she couldn't go to tap lessons with her sister and my sister and I got tired of her whining so I gave her something to cry about. Sad thing is I remember this. Anyway, I can honestly tell you that I have bitten more Sweethart soap than you can imagine. Maybe you could try a bar of Ivory.

    Hugs to you...when Rajah bit we got him two kittens to play with...the biting stopped.

