Friday, December 08, 2006

A Ridiculous Confession ...

We keep the spare wood for the fireplace in a wood holder under my die cut table. Everytime I go to get a piece of wood for the fireplace, I am TERRIFIED it will have a snake on it ... ridiculous isn't it? I guess I've seen one too many snakes out on the wood pile and I fear one may make it's way into the house when Mike brings wood in.

I guess it's all worth it though ... the fireplace keeps us all warm and toasty during these very cold winter days.


  1. eww, I love the fireplace, I'm sitting in the den with ours going now. So cozy... It's cold out....38 at 9 pm...

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Oh I'd be terrified too!!
    We were walking in a park about a mth ago and my kids almost stepped on a snake, I freaked!!

  3. Okay, I'm your friend that's not afraid of snakes. I had brothers that were always bringing them home so I never learned to fear them. I do remember a field mouse got in the house in Indiana once by way of the fireplace wood. That I wasn't too thrilled with!!!

  4. I hate snakes! I think we lit our fireplace 3 times last year. I hope it gets cold enough this year to do it more, because I love it.
