Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree ... Oh Christmas Tree ...

I would like to start off by saying that my Christmas Tree has ALWAYS been my pride and joy. Each year I lovingly decorate it with our special ornaments and handmade dolls and finish it off with colorful glass balls for fillers.

This year ... not so much ...

Reality sets in pretty quickly when you have a 22-month old that likes to touch, feel and pull on everything. This year ... our Christmas Tree is about letting Griffin do just that. I've put SOME of our ornaments and SOME of our dolls on it ... but pretty much, it's a blank canvas this year. No shiny glass balls nestle within the branches to add color and sparkle. But it's decorated ... and here it is ...

This is a picture of the top half of the tree ... it really is pretty all lit up ... here it just looks like ornaments placed about ... well, I guess that's pretty much what it really is ... but it will do for this year.

Okay ... so this is the REALITY I was telling you about. There were ornaments on the bottom half of the tree. But Griffin has re-decorated for me. They are pushed into the branches, on the tree skirt, in his hands ...

And this folks ... this is PROOF of why our tree is semi-decorated this year ...

I did put a few of my favorite Christmas ornaments on the tree this year, hoping they will not be broken or damaged. I thought I would share just a few of my favorites ... I have many, many more favorites that I chose not to put out this year ... maybe next year when little hands aren't so touchy.

This is a Ty Bear that I've had for years ... it reminds me so much of my husband

Last year my mother-in-law gave us this ornament ... my how things change in a year

I have a yearly collection of this particular ornament. When I lived in Florida they have an event called "Mistletoe Marketplace" each year in Eagle Lake. I would always go and buy this ornament from the same lady every year. Of course each year is customized with the year that I purchased it. I love these ornaments.

One of my many handmade Raggedy Annie dolls I put on my tree every year.

This is a picture of many of my favorite ornaments all together ... but the focus is on the angel bunny. I bought her several years ago and she only graces our house during the holiday season. I just love her grungy, sweet country look.

And this one ... has to be my all time favorite!! This is last years picture of Griffin with Santa Claus. His first Christmas!! I haven't framed this years picture yet ... but I will soon!

And that my dear friends ... is my decorating so far. I do have my mantle finished, a wreath on the front door and our nativity out on the entry way table. I didn't really "decorate up" this year ... just a few simple touches to get us in the holiday spirit.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I think your tree looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing some of your extra special ornaments with us. Beautiful!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Your tree is so cute! Love your ornaments. I know all about little hands taking everything off and rearranging. My 8 year old still likes to change the ornaments around. I let him do it and thats where they stay. I think he gets it from me. Have fun.

  3. Anonymous5:32 PM

    it is a LOVELY tree! drop by my blog sometime - I need help decorating! :)

  4. What a beautiful tree!!! Missy, the picture of Griffin holding the ornament is so precious. What a wonderful, exciting time in his life to take all this in...the lights, the tree, the ornaments. Don't you just know he has to think this is so amazing!

  5. have such sweet ornaments and it's okay to have the lower half a little bare. Griffin is going to enjoy the things low enough fot him to grab.

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Your tree IS lovely! Such special prnaments. I LOVE the bears and bunnies! AND the Griffin pictures!

    Christmas is such a sweet time for children and he will just love his will have such joy through that.

    I remember letting Dan decortae our tree his first Christmas. Nothing like I would have done and it had so much tinsel that you had to look hard to see if the tree was green underneath. But he loved it and it brings back special memories. Your tree this year will also!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  7. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I Love it..... A girls got to do, what a girls got to do.... I'm sure G. is just having a blast with the tree....

    Your ornaments are beautiful and you will one day get to put everyting back on the way you want....

    If you see me on today, just holler... I should have some extra time..... I've got all the orders out that I'm going to do before Christmas..... T

  8. Missy, your tree looks great! We still haven't put one up. Let Griffin enjoy the decorating process...our "girls" have undecked the halls in every way imaginable... and in the big scheme of what. Enjoy the moments of won't last forever.
