Friday, December 15, 2006

Little Bit Of This 'N That ...

Mike is sick with a cold

Griffin is sick with a cold

I am NOT sick ... thank goodness!

Woo Hoo ... all Christmas gifts that have to be mailed and shipped to other states are packed, tracked and shipped

I really would LOVE an Outback Steak for dinner ... not gonna happen

Griffin napped from 10:30 - 1:00 today ... much too early to nap

G loves those Maruchan noodles ... hence the picture above ... I think he really likes playing with them more than eating them though

It's 50 degrees outside ... so nice this time of year

It's Friday ... so nice to have two "family days" coming

Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Men In Trees ... Thursday's ABC line-up best night of television hands down

Ghost Whisperer is back on tonight, hope it's a new one

I'm going to make brownies ... because I really NEED them!

I've created a banner (of sorts) for my blog ... I did the best I could with the minimal knowledge I have with this sort of thing. Does anyone know where to type the html code in the template for it to end up in the right place? I've tried a couple of different places, but it ends up in the wrong place. If someone knows ... can you please, please share? Thanks M


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    That is the cutest picture Missy! : )

    I am sorry Mike and Griffin are sick...that time of year. Yuck. You stay well now. It is hard for a Mom isn't it?

    Enjoy your family time weekend. that is what I miss most with Bill working away. At least he will be home in a few days. A 2 week visit!!

    Thinking of you...


  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hi Missy,
    i found your blog while I was in jolene George's blog, I was checking out your blog and noticed where you lived? Are you in Richmond? Small world I live in Suffolk. I checked out your web site too. How cool is that scrapbooking for a living. I have tried to sell a few pre-made pages on e-bay, no luck. Oh well.

    anyway, thought I would say HI.
    Here is my blog

  3. I know you probably know what I'm going to say..... G is just adorable.... I don't think us blogger buddies ever get tired of seeing his little face....

    Oh..... I think those colds are going around, Rusty has one too, Now they just need to stay away from me..... I haven't had a cold in forever.... Talk to you later.... T

  4. Sure hope you stay well. From the looks of the cute picture Griffin will be just fine. And that really is a cute picture.

    Wish I could help you with your banner...but you're the one I turn to for tech support!!!

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Griffin looks cute as a bug -- as usual! Hope he and your hubby both feel better soon. Also hope you don't take their colds!

    Banner for your blog -- I can't even figure out how to insert my photo in my "About Me" section. I love getting those pictures along with posts. Me -- I'm still a blank space..

    Baskets of sunshine,
