Monday, December 04, 2006

Ganglion Cyst ...

Yesterday morning when I got Griffin out of his crib I noticed a knot on the top of his hand. Mike and I discussed it and decided we would keep an eye on it, thinking he may have hit it or something. This morning it was still there and it really worried me. I decided to take him to the doctor. I took him in and the first doctor told me that it was called a "Ganglion Cyst" and then she said "But I'm not sure what to do about it". She went to get the elder doctor (the one that nothing bothers and I do not like seeing) and his response was "Oh Mama, it's been there, you've just never noticed it before". And then he goes on to say ... want to know how they got rid of them in the olden days? They would slam a book down on the hand and rupture the cyst. Okay ....

It was never there before. Each time after I change Griffin's diaper, I put him on the floor, then steady him and give his hands a sweet little rub. That's one of our little lovely things we do. If it was there before I would have known.

Apparently this is very common. I have never heard about them before. The doctor said more than likely it will go away by itself. Or, it could get bigger. If it gets bigger then it can be surgically removed. Let's put it this way ... I am NOT slamming a book down on my child's hand to rupture it.

This is what I found online about the Ganglion Cyst:

A ganglion cyst is a bump or mass that forms under the skin. Most commonly, ganglions are seen on the wrist (usually the back side) and fingers, but they can also develop around joints on the shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, ankle and foot. Ganglion cysts form when tissues surrounding certain joints become inflamed and swell up with lubricating fluid. They can increase in size when the tissue is irritated and often can "disappear" spontaneously. These masses or cysts appear to grow sometimes but they are not tumours or cancerous.

So ... will everyone say a little prayer that it will just go away??


  1. Missy,
    Don't worry too much about it, I had one of those and it went away after a few weeks. Keep a watchfull eye on it (as I'm sure you will) and if it gets bigger or bothers him, take him back to the dr.. hopefully NOT the one that suggested the book slamming! Honestly, some Dr's are sooooooo insensetive! (Wish I could tell him what to slam that book of his

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Yes, these are usually nothing to worry about. And most commonly found on joints-wrists and ankles being the most common.
    My oldest son, when he was about 12 mths old we noticed he had this bump, about pea size on his clavicle. Had it x-rayed, didn't show up on films. Took him to CHOP, had to see the head of orthopedics because it was on a bone, he wasn't sure what it was. He said we had two choices-1-sedate him and do an MRI or CT Scan and then based upon results have to sedate him again to operate or 2-go right to the OR and have it removed.
    We chose 2, which was what the doc recommended since it's better to knock them out as least as possible. The doc prepped us for the worst but 10 minutes into his surgery, sent someone out that it was a ganglion cyst that formed on a non jointed bone...he said it was very odd that it formed there.
    Rest assured, ganglion cysts are usually fine :)

  3. Was that doctor serious??? He's got some bedside manner!!! OUCH!!!

    Missy, I have heard of this type of cyst before and they're usually not serious. You're precious little Griffin is so adorably perfect. I just know his hands are perfect as well. You'll always be in my prayers dear friend.

  4. Hi Missy,

    Don't worry too much about the ganglion. I had one on my wrist when I was about 8 years old. Had it drained three times...darn thing kept growing back, but then all of a sudden didn't. Our friend, who was also the doctor, said in olden days they did slam a book on the Mom didn't go for that one either! G will be just fine...I'll say extra prayers that he will be better soon.

    Lots of hugs!! robin

  5. That doctor is an idiot! You spend everyday all day with your son and you surely would have noticed it. His comment was very rude. I for one will be praying that Griffin's NEW cyst goes away on its own as quickly as it came. (((HUGS)))

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I will be keeping you in my thoughts and is tough to find something like that and be so worried isn't it? Then some doctor with absolutely NO personality gets at you...
    I have had such cysts as have friends and children I know. They are no a problem and they really DID slam books on them in the old days. Isn't that awful?
    Can you imagine how poor Griffin would be? I would never allow that to happen to a child!

    Try not to worry! You take care okay?


  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Missy - lurking around and decided to post this time. My mom had one as do I. She was one who actually got slammed. She said it hurt but it wasn't bad (the slamming). It grew back, she had it drained. Over and over and over.

    Funny thing is that mom was a concert pianist and it never once affected her playing. No worries - if it doesn't go away it won't really affect him. You can have it "treated" how ever you choose when he's more able to participate in the decision and what ever recoveries are necessary.

    Hugs and God Bless,
