Friday, December 29, 2006

Baby Jesus ...

A few years ago when Mike and I first moved to Virginia our new neighbor Melinda presented this lovely lighted nativity scene for Christmas. Since then each year at Christmas we proudly display it in our entryway so we can share it with all of our visitors.

This year Griffin took notice of it for the first time.

Everyday he would run over to it and I would explain that it was Baby Jesus and soon we would be celebrating Baby Jesus' birthday. I honestly didn't think he had a clue what I was saying and he just liked it because it was lit up and pretty.

Christmas Eve night Mike and I were walking Griffin upstairs to go night-night. He got to the stairs, turned around and ran over to the nativity and said "Bye Bye Baby Jesus" ... oh my gosh ... Mike and I just looked at each other like ... did he REALLY just say what we think he said.

It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

Such a sweet little gift of a memory from Griffin.


  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    oh so sweet, kids can do some amazing things.... even when they 're a little older.... Jeffery, my oldest son came in yesterday and said "I got you something" and held out a Betty Boop seat cover for the Boop-Mobile.... I was so shocked and I keep telling him how much I loved it....

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Cute :)

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Okay here are the answers :)
    1. Maiden name was Colby
    2. Middle name is Lynn
    3. Sunshine is my cats name
    4. Candy is my fave junk food
    5. Milk Chocolate is my preferred chocolate of choice
    6. 12/20 is my b'day
    7. I really want all of them but the one I want most out of them but Gary says NO is a puppy
    8. 8/25 is my anniversary which was also my Nanny's birthday

    Thanks for playing, I was in a silly mood :)

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    That is so sweet! It put a smile on my face and I needed one today! Give that litle sweetie a big hug from me...
    A beautiful memory for you and Mike.


  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    that is so sweet! My nephew, who is 2, sang Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Day and I thought that was pretty sweet. I love when kids first really take notice of Him!
    aimee ( Our Way)

  6. That is very sweet and I'm so glad that you are teaching him about the birth of Christ at such a young age. Gosh do I wish I could se Griffin and you in person.

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What a beautiful Nativity, and That's so wonderful he's learning about Baby Jesus!

  8. How sweet! I'm sure your Griffin will be making many wonderful memories for you and Mike for years to come!
