Friday, December 22, 2006

Angels & Fried Green Tomatos

What a GREAT Thursday ... it was just one of those great days!

We went out for a little while and when we got home I had 6 Christmas cards and a box from Teresa in my mailbox ... what did I get from my good friend Teresa??

These darling handmade angel ornaments!! They are so sweet and cute!! I've already hung them on my tree and they brighten it up considerably. Thank you Teresa!

While I Walmart I found ... get this ... FROZEN fried green tomatos. I was literally beside myself with joy. This made me so, so happy! I love fried green tomatos. The only time I get to have them in when we go to Nell's in Florida. Now ... I can have them anytime I want them!! These will definately be part of our Christmas meal on Monday!

Yesterday we had Christmas with our neighbors Melinda and Grayson. It was alot of fun getting together (sorry no pictures). We exchanged gifts and spent a little time together. Melinda and Grayson bought us the nicest gifts!! Griffin got an Elmo Pop-Up Toy (perfect!) and a tractor book. I've been looking everywhere for a tractor book and she found one!! I got Robin McGraw's new book and a sweet Reindeer Crossing sign. So, so sweet! For Grayson we got him two Spiderman action figures (Spiderman & a bad man as he requested) and a Spiderman watch. We got Melinda one of those nifty new Crockpots ... and she loved it!! I was so pleased to be able to give gifts that they really wanted ... and it was so very nice to receive such wonderful, thoughtful gifts.

I'm not sure what is on the agenda today. I have nothing planned and there is no where we need to go. Mike will be home this afternoon and our big shopping trip is planned for Saturday. So until then, I may stay home ... wrap gifts, bake ... and be Mommy. Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Teresa is such a sweetheart!!! I love my angels too!!!

    So happy you found Fried Green Tomatos...they're so good.

    Sounds like your Christmas has started off very well. It's always fun to get together with a friend.

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Isnt' there a movie called Fried Green Tomato?

    Never heard of them what do they taste like? LOL~I thought green tomoatos meant don't eat me, I'm not ripened :)

    As for the tags...the original plan was one for my Mom and one for Gary's Mom. Not sure if I'm giving the one to Gary's Mom or not beings I didn't exist this week for my birthday by his Mom or his sister and I'm really MAd that his sister is being like his mother to me! I've had it....So, one is for my Mom for sure and I haven't decided on the other one. 1 part of me says give it to her, be better than her and more mature but then the other side of me says screw you :)

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Have a great day doing nothing! And you are very brave to go shopping tomorrow!
    Merry Christmas!
