Sunday, December 24, 2006

24 Hour Bug ...

(This picture just makes me happy)

Saturday morning I woke up sick ... sick, sick, sick with diarrhea and throwing up. My body ached and all I wanted to do was sleep. This was not good as it is the day Mike and I planned to go Christmas shopping. After finally dragging myself off the couch at 10 am for a shower we headed out shopping. Mike kept telling me it wasn't a good idea to go. He said we could always go on Sunday. But, I insisted on going because I have been looking forward to it all week.

We went to Walmart and surprisingly they were not too busy. We found the loaf pan and bundt cake pan we needed, but did not find the Shake 'N Go Race Track we were looking for.

Then we went to Lowe's to check the prices on garage door openers since it was right there. I really wanted to walk over to the Christmas stuff to see if they had anything on clearance, but I just didn't have the energy. I could not even lift Griffin out of the shopping cart because I was so sore and drained.

Then we went to Target. By the time we hit Target's doors I was ready to go home ... but we still had to find the Race Track. Bingo ... Target had it. And we picked up a few more "Santa" gifts as well. And I found the movie "Jingle All The Way" that I've been looking for. It's hilarious and we will watch that tonight. Before heading out of the store I was determined to check out their Christmas stuff ... bargain shopper that I am ... nothing was going to keep me down. We walked clear across the store and found nothing in the Christmas section that we needed. But then, as we were passing the children's clothing section a sign caught my eye ... Clearance 75% off ... woo hoo ... we found Griffin some of the cutest shirts for only $1.24 and sweat pants for only $2.00. We went to check out and I realized how very sick and tired I really was. I had already overdone it and we still had plans to go to Home Depot, Sam's and to have lunch. I told Mike that I really needed to go home. I felt really bad about asking to go home because Mike really wanted Mexican from Casa Grande for lunch ... but honestly I couldn't handle it. The only thing I ate yesterday was 1/2 a piece of bread for breakfast and 1/2 a can of soup for dinner.

We came home ... I went to sleep and Mike took care of Griffin the entire day. We arrived home about 12:30 and I slept until 7:00 when the phone rang and it was one of our neighbors. Our other neighbor's fire alarm was sounding and the alarm company just called them as they were a contact. The homeowner neighbor had left earlier in the day for Tennessee and could not be reached. Oh gosh ... we were so worried their house was burning down. Finally I was able to reach them by cell phone and she said it was probably just malfunctioning because it had done the same thing a few weeks ago. I asked Mike to go down just to check things out and by the time he got down there the fire department was breaking into their garage doors. They had to confirm there was no fire. Thank goodness there wasn't ... and honestly the price of a garage door is well worth the peace of mind.

So ... I am up bright and early this morning with coffee in hand. I had no coffee yesterday ... and it's really, really delicious this morning. I am feeling 100% better today ... and I have alot to do. Between a trip to Sam's, wrapping gifts, and baking cookies my day is full.

I hope everyone has a very happy Christmas Eve ... and a Merry Christmas!


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Your son's face is adorable!! Glad you're feeling better. This is no time to be sick huh? Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Oh NO!
    I hope you are feeling better....and I SO HOPE your little guy doesn't get it, it's Christmas!

    Yay, you found the race track, that was cool since that was what you ventured out for.

    That pic is too cute!!

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Wow, so glad to hear you are better, nothing is worse than being sick at Christmas. It's great you found the race track, and it sounds like you snagged a few great bargains too! That always makes my day! Happy Christmas Eve to you and your family. I hope Santa is good to Griffin and to you too!
    Merry Christmas Missy!

  4. So sorry to hear you at the "bug" and right on your special shopping day. I am glad you're feeling better now.

    Your little Griffin is one good looking little man! What a cute picture!

  5. So glad you feel better. I hate to be sick!!! How did your cookies turn out...I didn't bake a one this year...shame on me.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!


  6. I'm glad you're feeling better today. No fun being sick on Christmas, especially with that cute little guy to watch open all his gifts! I look forward to pictures of your Christmas.
    Griffin is one lucky little guy!
    Merry Christmas to you Missy, Mike and G.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    What an adorable picture! That face had to make you feel better huh?

    I am SO sorry you were sick Missy!
    I am praying that you are all better still and that Mike and Griffin are fine too.
    Grace is sniffling but feels fine.

    I am so glad youfound that race track!! Yippee! You are such a trouper to go our looking.

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Sue and family

  8. That picture make me happy too Missy and I'm so glad your feeling better. What crummy timing to get a 24 hour bug, but they really do just zap the life right out of you. I'm glad you got in as much as you did...probably more than I could have handled. I hope your Christmas was wonderful. I would have love to see Griffin's face this morning.
