Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Happy, Happy, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Mike, Griffin and I are on vacation in Florida ... no ... we are not at Disney World. We are "home" in Winter Haven. We are actually from Central Florida (about 45 minutes from Disney). We only moved to Virginia three years ago, and we still consider Winter Haven home because this is where most of our family is.

We arrived late on Saturday night ... only 13 and a half hours in the car instead of 16. Griffin did really well, we were quite proud of him.

My mother-in-law had her Thanksgiving get-together on Sunday. It was nice to see lots of family and friends. Monday we just hung out around the house and relaxed. Tuesday we went to town, had lunch at Nell's (yummy right Andi??)and then spent some time with Mike's Dad Ray and Step-Mom Jeri. Wednesday we visited friends of ours in Kissimmee, went to Bass Pro Shop's Outdoor World in Orlando and had dinner.

Mike flew out this morning for a hunting trip to Texas with his friend Fred. Griffin and I will be staying here in Winter Haven until Mike returns in a few days. It's nice to have a little extra time here. Today we had a very untraditional Thanksgiving meal ... spaghetti ... but it was GOOOOOOOD!! We had lots of Thanksgiving left-overs in the refrigerator but we were tired of turkey.

We do not have alot going on ... and I'm loving it.

I've taken lots of pictures while we have been here, so I will be sharing some of those in my next post. This picture of the three of us was taken Tuesday at Mike's Dad's and Step-Mom's house. They have absolutely BEAUTIFUL gardens. I'm actually considering using this for our Christmas cards. What do you think??


  1. Missy, the picture is beautiful!!! Yes, you should use it for your Christmas cards. You all look so festive in your red...perfect for the holidays!!!

    I'm so excited...I just got off the phone with you and we're meeting for lunch tomorrow!!! YAY!!! Looking forward to seeing you girlfriend!!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to the Glave's!
    It'a a wonderful pic of ya'll Missy...ya'll look sooo happy... a great Christmas card photo!

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Great photo!

    So you and Andi are friends in real life?
