Monday, November 13, 2006

Crunching, Throwing, & Loving Leaves

Outside time is so much fun right now. We really have to take advantage of the warmer days God blesses us with. The other day we went for ... you guessed it ... a walk.

Griffin loves walking through the dried leaves ... crunching them as he goes.

Since it is "leaf" season we've recently started bringing the stroller with us when we go for a walk. The reason you might ask? Griffin LOVES picking up leaves ... and he's constantly changing his mind about which one he wants. If we want to get any exercise we have to put him in the stroller once we get to the main road ... it's safer that way anyway.

After our walk the boys ran to the back yard

I was trying to get some up-close pictures of Griffin in the leaves ... but he was NOT cooperating ... he was having waaaaay too much fun.


  1. Griffin looks like he's having so much fun!!! The leaf colors are amazing...I just love fall colors. I actually remember my brothers and I raking leaves into a huge pile when we were kids and then jumping into the leaf pile.

    Maybe we can do lunch when you're in Florida...we could go to Lavender and Lace or out to the Back Porch at the Barn. Maybe Robin could go too.

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  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    love the last picture!!

    It wasn't easy getting my kids to sit still, there was a lot of yelling and threatning happening :)

  4. You just can't beat having fun in the leaves with mommmy and daddy. Great pictures Missy. I love your walk tradition.
