Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Griffin will be dressing up like Bob The Builder. It's kind of a homemade costume. I will take some pictures tonight and share them tomorrow. I'm so excited because Mike will be home. This is the first Halloween he's been home since moving to Virginia. We plan to hand out candy and then a little later go to the "Trunk or Treat" at the local church. I took G there last year but he was only 8 months old and didn't quite get it yet. This year I just know he will have alot of fun.

I want to thank my girlfriends for being so supportive about the hair situation. Yesterday afternoon Mike colored my hair and I cut his. It was a regular hair salon here. Mike took some pictures of me, but they did not turn out that well, so I will have him take some more tonight (with makeup on) and share them tomorrow as well.

The other day when we went to the National Zoo in Washington, DC I took some pictures of the city. I thought it would be fun to share them with you. It's a view of DC from the car.

I loaded the pictures pretty small, so you can just click on them to see them bigger.

We are about to cross the Potomac heading into the city. If you look closely you can see a helicopter. Mike is convinced this was the President. You can see the Washington Memorial in the background

The Pentagon

The new Air Force Memorial. I was surprised to see it so far out of the city. It's HUGE ... maybe it's located so far away because it's so big

Going over the Potomac

The Washington Memorial

Pennsylvania Avenue ... one of the most famous address in the world

The Lincoln Center

Arlington National Cemetary


  1. Happy Halloween!!!

    Love your Washington DC pictures. You know, I bet that was the President in that helicopter!!! Really!!! Cool!

  2. Love these pictures. I went to Virginia last October, but the only things I saw was my friends house and the airport. I would love to see all of the historic places.

  3. Hi Missy..
    Home made costumes are the BEST costumes! My kids never had a "store bought" costume, I made all three costumes myself every year. One year my son wanted to be a robot so I took a box, painted it silver put a bunch of "nobs and dials" on it, painted an old pair of pants and shoes silver, used silver paint on his face and he won 1st prize at the school carnival! Happy Halloween to the Glave family.
