Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Life Has Been Busy ... An Update

Wow ... life has been very busy.

Mike's parents came for a visit and they are back home now. It was nice having them here ... it felt so "normal" having them here with us. I do have some pictures to share ... and I will at a later time as I am trying to make this a quick update. We didn't do much while they were here ... just spent some much needed family time together.

We did have some rain and winds from Hurricane Ernesto, nothing serious though. We did move our cars from the front yard, as we were fearful trees would come down on them.

I had to take Griffin to his 18 month check-up this morning ... even though he will be 19 months old in 2 days ... scheduling just didn't work out to get him in sooner. He's gained 2 pounds (weighs 26 now) and grew 3 inches (33.5 inches tall) since our last check up ... he's growing so fast!

I just signed on to the computer ... over 800 emails await my viewing ... so, if you have emailed me ... bear with me ... I will get to yours and respond.

Rosie started on "The View" today ... can't wait to watch it on Tivo tonight.

Well ... must go, Griffin is waking from his nap, we will have lunch and I will get to work.

Bye for now .... M


  1. I'm so glad you had a nice time with the inlaws.
    Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?! You can't blink too long or you miss something. :o)

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Mother-in-law "Mom" Just checked M. site and loved her comments. Of course we loved getting hugs from our kids (Mike, Missy and Griffin). It was hard to not look for Wyatt, he was our GrandDog.
