Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fall is beginning ...

Fall is beginning to show her colorful splendor here in Virginia ... the leaves are slowly sprouting their gorgeous fall colors.

Mmmmmmmmm ... Fall ... my favorite season of the year ...

I took these pictures from my front porch this morning. It may not look like much yet ... but just you wait ... another month or so, and our area will be exploding with reds, oranges, yellows, purples ... I can not wait!

1 comment:

  1. Fall is my favorite season too....but living in Arizona we don't really get the color you get unless we drive up to the mountains. The pictures on my blog banner are taken in Warrenton Virgina. I'm so jealous of where you live. I shouldn't say jealous, because I'm happy that you live where it's so pretty, just wish we had real seasons....not just hot and cool.
    I finished my closet and posted pictures. :o)
    Have a great evening!
