Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Made Me Go ..... mmmmmmmmmmmm

Yesterday Griffin and I were in Walmart grocery shopping.

He is the biggest FLIRT ... he laughs, giggles and smiles at everyone. That's normal for him. He really draws ALOT of attention and I'm used to it. Normally it's ladies of all ages or older folks.

Well yesterday as we were going to the checkout line, this very nice looking, well dressed young man started talking to Griffin. At first I thought oh he's just being nice. But then he started asking me questions like "What's his name" ... "How old is he" ... oh my GAWD ... I was sooooooooooo uncomfortable. I've never felt that way before ... the hair on the back of my neck was standing on end and I was in full Mommy mode ... you know the "you-would-do-anything-to-protect-your-child" mode.

Why ??????

What's so different about a 20-something young man asking me the same questions that an 80-year old lady asked me just two aisles over??

Anyway ... I did notice other people watching our interaction ... I guess the look on my face gave me away ... how I was feeling.

Really ... I do not know how I feel about this situation. On one hand I feel HORRIBLE because I do not know this young man and he was more than likely just being nice ... on the other hand ... you just never know.

I feel it's important to listen to your inner voice and that "sixth sense" ... even though it may be nothing ... many times that "feeling" could protect you from harm.

1 comment:

  1. Kind of creepy! I have to your first instinct. Better safe than sorry. He could have been perfectly innocent, but Griffin counts on your for protection.
