Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy 39th Birthday Mike ...

Happy 39th Birthday Michael!

(I will add a picture of the birthday boy with his cake later)

Gosh it's hard to believe we are 39 years old. Well, I'm not ... I'm still 38 ... but I will be in a month, a week, and a day. We've grown up together (and dare I say old?). Really ... I do not feel almost 40 years old.

Anyway ...

We had to make an unexpected trip to North Carolina yesterday. Harley was getting very homesick, so it was best to end the summer visit and take her home. We left about 1:00 yesterday afternoon and drove about 5.5 hours to meet Joy & Stephanie. They had driven 3 hours, so that was nice ... to meet somewhere in the middle. We did not get home until midnight last night. I actually fell asleep in the car, and I feel very bad about that because alot of the driving was on 2 lane back roads. We only came upon one deer and I woke up with Mike putting on the brakes pretty hard and when I woke up I noticed he had put his arm in front of me ... how sweet! The silly deer was just standing there in the road, like she was waiting for others to follow. Mike thought maybe a herd was going to cross. Well, she was alone and thank goodness we didn't hit her.

We are going to miss Harley very much. It was nice having her here and she was a big help. She was very good with Griffin and I know he's going to be looking for her today. It will be nice for Harley to have some extra time at home before school starts too. She was going to have less than a week at home before school started, but now she'll have about 3 weeks.

I have to tell you this ... as we were driving last night we came upon this decked out Hummer. Mike said, "Missy look at that big video screen they have in that car". I looked ... wish I hadn't! Mike was driving of course and all he could see was the big screen ... I got an eye full. These people were driving down the road watching an adult film. Oh my GAWD!!! What if a kid had seen that? Granted it was well past 10 pm, but STILL! I was shocked.

Well ... since it's Mike's birthday it's "his" day. We are getting ready for our Community Yard Sale (August 12th) ... so he's going to help me go through the attic this morning before it gets too hot. Other than that, we are grilling a steak, spending time together, and staying home. Hope everyone has a GREAT Sunday.


  1. Happy Birthday Mike!!
    Beware of those Hummers!! LOL

  2. Have a wonderful Birthday Mike! I feel as if I know you from Missy's
    You two are so lucky to have eachother and I wish you both a long and happy life together!

  3. Happy 39th Birthday Mike and way to go on the quick arm action when the deer ran in the road. Good husband!
    I bet Harley was glad to see her family even though she enjoyed her time with you.
    ICK on the porn in the hummer passing by. What an image to be stuck with.
