Monday, August 21, 2006

Goodbye Sweet Wyatt ...

I have some sad news to share ...

Today we said goodbye to our dear, sweet Wyatt.

He showered us with unconditional love and loyalty ... we are so lucky to have had him in our lives for 11 and a half years.

There are so many things I want to say, but right now my heart is hurting and it's hard to put my feelings into words. We know he out of pain and is now in heaven ... and that brings us comfort.

I wanted to share some pictures of our "Dooder Bug" with you ... I wish I could share some older pictures, however they are in the attic and I'm unable to get to them right now.

We LOVE You Boy ...

This is a picture of Wyatt taken while we still lived in Florida. We had some dirt delivered and he used to run, jump and lay on it. We called him "King Of The Mountain" ... he was probably about 2 years old here.

Okay ... so how many dogs do you know that loves ORANGES?? Wyatt did ... this is his "Daddy Joe" (Grandpa) feeding him an orange out by the pond when we were still in Florida.

This picture was taken our October 2003 ... our first fall in Virginia. Wyatt would actually sit and pose for me. Such a good, sweet, BEAUTIFUL puppy.

This is probably my favorite picture of Wyatt ... I took this photo November 2003 ... look closely between his eyes ... do you see the spots that form an exclamation point???? Well ... let's just say that described Wyatt to a "T"!!!!

Wyatt loved his stuffed cow ... when Daddy came home from work he would always bring him a "present" ... it could be a stick, a stuffed animal ... anything as long as he could take something to Daddy.

A family picture of Mike, Griffin, Wyatt and me ... July 2006

Sunday, August 13th, 2006 ... Wyatt was actually feeling well enough to take our family walk ... this memory will remain with me forever.


  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Your in my prayers and I feel for your Lost. Bless your family!


  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I check your blog every day and when I logged on to your website today and saw the picture of Wyatt, I knew. I am very sorry for you and your family. I know that you will cherish the memories. My thought and prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Missy, I am so very sorry. I know what a huge piece of your heart is marked with a "W". You were blessed to have him, he was blessed to have you. The best part all knew it. I truly believe some dogs do go to Heaven and I am sure he is one. :0) Love you kiddo, Heidi

  4. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I am so sorry. I know the pain. I have tears in my eyes. My thoughts are will you all. Love, Tricia

  5. Oh Missy...I'm so sorry! He was such a beautiful dog! We've had our dog Cinnamon for 11 years and her age is showing. It's been hard to think of losing her. I imagine your heart is aching for that sweet dog that was a member of your family for so long.
    ((((hugs sweetie))))

  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Missy, I'm so sorry for your lost, I came to your web site to see what was new in your family and was so surprised to hear about Wyatt. I lost my cocker a few years ago and I know how hard it was. God bless.... June

  7. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Missy, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is aching for you and your family. I know by reading your blog that Wyatt is a big part of your family.


  8. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I am so so sorry. When we had to let go of our beloved Tara I cried & cried. I still miss her & I can't wait to see her again & be w/ her forever. Wyatt is in a better place & I know its hard to believe because he is not w/ you. You are in my thoughts & I feel your pain. God Bless!!

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Missy I am so sorry to hear about Wyatt. I loved him, too. You and your boys are in my prayers.
