Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July ... So Far ... In Pictures

July has been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY so far ... I thought the best way to share is with some pictures.

My sister Joy and nieces Harley (13) & Stephanie (16) came for a visit on July 2nd

This is Joy & me ... I miss her soooo much

Within 20 minutes of arriving ... Harley was on the floor playing with Griffin ... yes, I believe she will fit right in with our family. Joy and Stephanie went home on July 5th, but Harley is going to stay with us through mid-August

On Monday at about 10:30, we decided to make a trip to the beach. We've lived in Virginia for 3 years and we've never been to the beach here. We loaded the car and were on the road by 11:30. We arrrived at the beach at about 2:00. It was so, so crowded there. The beaches are much more different than Florida Beaches. The sand is much coarser, there's no shells, and there's really not much beach to play on ... but we had a GREAT time anyway!

Mike and Griffin had alot of fun playing in the water

Scoping out the beach action ...

Isn't it beautiful? I loved being near the boardwalk.

Many of you have asked how Wyatt is doing ... honestly ... he seems to be doing really well. He is still on anitbiotics and Pepcid AC everyday and we are doing the water therapy every other day. Harley, Griffin & I walked down to the mailbox yesterday and Wyatt walked all the way down there with us. I was very proud of him. We are showering him with love and spoiling him rotten ... which is totally deserves.

It's been nice having Harley here. We look forward to having a really fun summer ... and with her help I will get caught up on orders!

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