Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Surviving Motherhood

I would like to start this post to let you know that Griffin is feeling much better. His fever has gone down and he was much more active yesterday. Thanks to everyone that emailed me about our little guy.

Now on to today's post ...

There's this new show on TLC called "Surviving Motherhood". I love this show. It's a different group of women every week that discuss child related issues (picky eaters, potty training, seperation anxiety, etc.) They meet up in a coffee shop and discuss the issue among themselves. They then highlight one mother's story. The group of mothers offer advice, and they also have an expert that offers advice.

Although many of the issues we haven't experienced (and hopefully we don't) ... it's nice to see how others handle child related issues.

On a side note ... I have another TLC "guilty pleasure" as well. Tuckerville. Have you seen it? It's hilarious! It's a reality show based on Tanya Tucker and her three children. It's so funny to see this famous person living a "normal" life, not far from our own. Well, except we do not live in a mansion, have 20 cars, millions of dollars ... etc. But, it's nice to see they have some of the same experiences we do.

TLC has some great shows. I am still a little upset that they took "Martha" off their schedule. I did email them to find out why. They said although her show experienced good ratings, they removed it from the schedule to make room for their own original shows. Honestly ... I would much rather see "Martha" than pretty much anything.

Well ... gotta get the car inspected today. Time to get G up for a bath and breakfast. He's actually sleeping in this morning.

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