Monday, June 26, 2006

Another Wyatt Update

First I would like to thank everyone for your very KIND emails about our sweet Wyatt. It's so nice to know we have such good friends that care about him.

On Friday we took him back to the vet twice for the water therapy. At the morning session they also did a test to see if he had any improvement. We got the results from that test at the evening session. Unfortunately, there was no marked improvement. Some of his numbers read a little better, others read worse. Dr. Ellett said if it was his dog he would not give up on him yet.

So ... over the weekend we continued the water treatment at home. We will be doing this through Wednesday. At that time Dr. Scotti will run another test to check for improvement.

That's where we are right now ... pretty much a "wait and see" situation.

Before we went back to the vet on Friday I asked my dear sweet friend Melinda to come over and snap a family picture of us ... here we are ... in all our regular day-to-day glory. Take a look behind Mike ... you can see our tomato plants are doing really well ... I'm so proud!

Daddy, Mommy, Griffin & Wyatt

We all went for a walk too ...

Our two very sweet boys ...

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