Friday, May 12, 2006

My Mother-In-Law ... Bett

I am very fortunate to have the best mother-in-law in the world.

I was on the floor playing with Griffin a little while ago and a strong sense of love for her just overwhelmed me. I think that may be God's way of reminding me how fortunate I am ... and I want to let everyone know how wonderful, kind, sweet, loyal and amazing she is.

This is a picture of Bett, Griffin & me taken at Thanksgiving 2005

You know ... I really do think of Bett as my "Mom". My mother died when I was very young and I really was fortunate to have a sister that was there for me. I was 8 when our mother died and my sister, Joy was 16. Can you imagine becoming the mother figured of a child when you are only a 16 year old child yourself? (I Love You Joy!) ... anyway ... back to Bett.

Bett has been there for me through so much ... I can't even imagine trying to list all of the things she has done for me and helped me through ... that would be a never-ending list.

I would like to share some of my very favorite things about Bett:

She is an amazing cook ... her green beans taste like dessert

When she comes to visit us, she goes by our favorite Florida BBQ restaurant (Peebles) ... buys pulled pork ... freezes it ... and brings it to us in her suitcase

She recently discovered garage sales and thrift stores. I love that she calls me when she finds a bargain ... say for instance ... an Aigner purse for $2.00!

She goes out of her way to do kind things for other people ... all the time

She is blunt & direct ... but always with a loving heart

She keeps a small "Brag Book" with Griffin's pictures in her purse ... so she can share his pictures with friends and folks she happens upon

She is creative and imaginative

She is beautiful ... on the inside and out

She organizes a huge Thanksgiving get-together every year ... practically all of Central Florida is there!

When we visit her in Florida, she always asks for our grocery shopping list so she can be sure we have the things we want/need while we are there

She keeps a Snickers stash ... for when we really need one ... whooops ... that was our little secret!

She sends us care packages in the mail ... there's always something for everyone, including our dog Wyatt

She really cares about people, and want to see them happy

I know how fortunate I am to have Bett for a mother-in-law ... and I'm even more fortunate to be able to call her "Mom".

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