Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Real Life Begins Again

Real life begins again ...

Vacation is over and it's back to work. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work. I have a refreshed outlook and I'm excited about it. I'm hoping to get all of my orders completed quickly and get some new things created. Creating is the best part of my job. I've had some ideas, however no time to actually create them. I will though ... very soon.

We had to take G to the pediatrician yesterday. He was sick our entire vacation. Runny, gooey nose and a cough. Our brother-in-law is a pharmacist and he recommended Dimetapp DM for Children. We could definately see a difference after giving that to him. He's been sick more than a week, so we decided to take him to the doctor yesterday. He's got an ear infection and sinus infection. He's quite the little trooper. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, so hopefully that will fight the infection and our little one will be all well soon.

Mike went back to work today too. It was so nice having him all to ourselves for more than a week. He was so helpful with Griffin while we were away. Gosh, I love my husband.

I've teased everyone that Griffin left Virginia a baby and came back from Florida a boy. He discovered "freedom" while staying at Grandma's. He was allowed to run around pretty much wherever he wanted. Here at home he's pretty much allowed only in two rooms. He's having to adjust to "real life" too. He's quite mobile these days ... and boy does he have the bruises/scratches to prove it. Mike keeps reminding me he's a boy ... and he will be scratched and bruised. It's hard for a Mommy to see this though.

Well ... everyone ... it's that time ... officially .... I'm back to work!

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