Saturday, April 29, 2006

Project: Daddy's Finally Home!

Whew ... let me tell you ... the past six months have been some of the most difficult time in my life. I've shared this with very few people, but now that it's "over" ... I feel like I can.

For the past six months my husband has been working on a project for a major tire company out of town. Monday through Friday he was away from home, he would then come home on the weekend.

This project started in November 2005 and it just ended yesterday April 28, 2006. Griffin was 9 months old when it began and now he's almost 15 months old. It honestly feels like a lifetime ago. It was very hard being a "single" parent during the week. I love my son with all of my heart ... but sometimes it's nice to have help.

I missed my husband and Griffin missed his Daddy. I know my husband missed us as well. We are all soooooo happy that Daddy's finally home for good!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The (Dreaded) Middle Name

Never thought I would do it ... but it happened today.

Griffin was misbehaving during storytime at the library and I said those dreaded words ...

Grif-fin Mi-chael ... Stop It!

I don't know how it happened ... it just did.

It's something I never thought I would do ... that's what "other" parents do ... not me. Ha! Yes ... I'm officially a parent ... I used the dreaded middle name when disciplining my child. Did it make a difference? Don't think so ...

Why do we think it will? Griffin ... Stop It! ... that just didn't seem like enough ... so there it was Grif-fin Mi-chael ... Stop It!

Anyway ... he stopped what he was doing and we moved on.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

3 Boys At The Park

Last night at 5:30 my neighbor and I decided it would be a great time to take the boys to the park. It was cooler outside and the sun was going down.

Mommy & Griffin arriving at the park ... G in a hurry to get there!

All three boys are ready to play!

Sharing the sand box toys ... such fun!

The big boys showing G how to do it right!

Griffin gets in on the scoop action!

Griffin & Mommy hanging out by the boardwalk!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Griffin's First Time With The Sitter

Today I had a doctor's appointment, so I asked my neighbor Carol if she would mind watching Griffin while I went. I was very proud of myself. I only called home once to check on them. I was not nervous at all leaving Griffin with Carol. She has many children & grandchildren and she knew what she was doing. When I came home she told me that Griffin was a very sweet, smart, happy boy. Boy ... did that make this mommy proud!

This is something I made last night. I am allowing myself to make one new item each day. It keeps the creative juices flowing while I finish up all the custom orders.

If you are interested in purchasing it, click on the "My Ebay Store" Link to the left.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Sense of accomplishment

I'm feeling a small sense of accomplishment right now.

I managed to complete 4 Scrapbooking Orders today.

Four down ... approximately 70 to go!

Woo Hoo ... I'm on a roll!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Another paper piecing available in my Ebay Store!

You can find the link to my Ebay Store to the right under my photo

Grier & Suri

Isn't it ironic that Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise's baby girls were born on the same day, in the same hospital, on the same floor?

Life has a way of balancing itself out ...

Welcome to the world Grier & Suri ...


Pink ... who would have thought it?

She's the one to open dialogue to encourage girls to be themselves and not follow the crowd.

I commend her for being bold enough to do this.

In a world where celebrity seems to get more "important" each day ...

It's refreshing to see a celebrity with something important to say.

Although I do not have a daughter, I do have nieces and I hope they will be themselves.

I feel it's important to be yourself ... not to conform to peer pressure.

Thank you Pink.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What I Know For Sure

- I love my husband
- I love our son
- I love our dog
- I love our extended family & friends
- I love when the sun shines
- I prefer spring to winter
- I am strong
- I know friendships are important
- I know Griffin's smile will brighten anyone's day
- I love life

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Sunday 2006

Easter was such a great day at our house!

The Easter Bunny visited and left a fun Easter Basket and ride on airplane for Griffin. Then we hunted Easter Eggs and spent the day together as a family.

I even cooked a good 'ole southern meal ... ham, field peas with snaps, fried okra, fried corn, mashed potatos and biscuits ... yum!

It was so nice to be able to spend Easter together as a family.

Oh boy ... look what the Easter Bunny left for Griffin!

Daddy putting together G's ride on airplane

Daddy & Wyatt hiding the Easter Eggs

Daddy helping Griffin find Easter Eggs

Oh Boy ... look at all of these Easter Eggs!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Our Neighbors ... Carol & Warren

Our Neighbors Carol & Warren are back from Florida. They winter there and come home each spring.

Griffin and I were playing on the front porch yesterday afternoon and we saw their familiar white van with the American flag sticker on the side going down the road.

Wow ... what a site for sore eyes.

I love it when they come home.

Our neighborhood seems to come alive when they are here. They are both very active and we see them quite often taking their everyday walks. It's just so nice to see them.

Welcome home Carol & Warren ... we've missed you!

Friday, April 14, 2006

What To Do ???

What To Do ??? What To Do ??? What To Do???

I have to get caught up on my scrapbooking orders ... I just have to.

How am I going to do this? When will I have the time?

I pray every night for God to give me the time, guidance and patience to get caught up ... maybe I'm praying in the wrong way.

I've decided to temporarily close down the "Custom Paper Piecing" part of my website.

I will get caught up ... I know I will.

I get so down when I know customers are waiting on me to send their orders out. I just wish I was lightning fast and could get tons and tons done each day. Maybe I should stop being such a perfectionist. But then ... if I didn't complete each item with love and care it wouldn't be the same.

All I can do is try my best ... and that's what I'm going to do.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Egg Hunt 2006

Griffin attended his first Easter Egg Hunt today ... it was such fun!

He ran around picking up eggs (didn't quite make them in the basket though)

It was a joy to watch him having such a good time.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Man Of My Dreams

I started dating the man of my dreams in April 1985.

Mike and I were high school sweethearts and we've been together ever since.

This is a photo of us taken at our Prom held at Disney World in 1985.

Don't we look like babies?

We just celebrated our 21 year anniversary of "being together".

We also just celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary.

I'm a very lucky girl to have to have such a wonderful, caring, unbelievably sweet husband.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Real Life Begins Again

Real life begins again ...

Vacation is over and it's back to work. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work. I have a refreshed outlook and I'm excited about it. I'm hoping to get all of my orders completed quickly and get some new things created. Creating is the best part of my job. I've had some ideas, however no time to actually create them. I will though ... very soon.

We had to take G to the pediatrician yesterday. He was sick our entire vacation. Runny, gooey nose and a cough. Our brother-in-law is a pharmacist and he recommended Dimetapp DM for Children. We could definately see a difference after giving that to him. He's been sick more than a week, so we decided to take him to the doctor yesterday. He's got an ear infection and sinus infection. He's quite the little trooper. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, so hopefully that will fight the infection and our little one will be all well soon.

Mike went back to work today too. It was so nice having him all to ourselves for more than a week. He was so helpful with Griffin while we were away. Gosh, I love my husband.

I've teased everyone that Griffin left Virginia a baby and came back from Florida a boy. He discovered "freedom" while staying at Grandma's. He was allowed to run around pretty much wherever he wanted. Here at home he's pretty much allowed only in two rooms. He's having to adjust to "real life" too. He's quite mobile these days ... and boy does he have the bruises/scratches to prove it. Mike keeps reminding me he's a boy ... and he will be scratched and bruised. It's hard for a Mommy to see this though.

Well ... everyone ... it's that time ... officially .... I'm back to work!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Florida Vacation 2006

We just returned from our Florida Vacation ...
We are actually from Central Florida
so when we go "home" we enjoy a wonderful vacation as well
We had a great time visiting family & friends and generally just taking it easy
We did have some fun "playtime" as well
Hope you enjoy the photos!

Mike, Grandma Bett & Griffin at Sun 'N Fun Fly-In
Daddy went everyday ... we just went on Friday
Griffin enjoyed watching the planes
It was hot, hot, hot!

Daddy & Griffin "boating" in Grandma's Backyard

Grandma's little pond
A pool big enough for 3 kids and 2 dogs
Such fun!

Swinging under the big mossy oaks
Such the life!

Playing at the water park
Lake Toho - Kissimmee

Griffin just LOVED the water spray
He was darling ... darting back and forth

Daddy & Griffin on the other side of Lake Toho
He had such a good time under the sprays

Daredevil Griffin
There was this bucket that filled with water and then dumped down
He would wait for the water to dump on him
Such a silly boy!

Daddy & Griffin enjoying the water

There's nothing like swinging with your PaPaw & Grandma

Daddy, Mommy & Griffin enjoying getting our feet sandy & wet

We had such a good time in Florida ...
It was so nice to relax and enjoy being together