Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What a day!

Griffin is currently in his play yard singing his little heart out. He's 13 months old today. He just layed down on this John Deere blanket a dear friend of ours made him for his birthday. We've had a pretty busy and successful day. Our morning began at 5:45 ... I guess that's why I'm so tired now. After morning playtime & breakfast G went down for a 3 hour nap. I was able to get alot of work done, which was wonderful. After his nap and lunch we went for a walk with our neighbor Cyndi (the very person who made the above mentioned blanket) and her two boys. It's always so nice to be able to get out of the house and enjoy some sunshine. My little goofball is currently jumping up and down on his bag of soft fabric blocks and sing/songy screaming. Gosh ... am I the luckiest girl in the world or what? I get to stay home with our son ... I get to do something I absolutely love for a living (Scrapbooking) ... I am blessed. It's such a priviledge to be able to live this life.

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