Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Adventures

We had a really nice family weekend.

Friday night we went out to a buffet type family style restaurant. Griffin ate his first complete meal without any baby food. He had peas, carrots, mashed potatos, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti and sweet potato. He was so cute. I think he really enjoyed having "real" food.

Saturday we went to our neighbor's house for a birthday party as a family. Harry & Jack turned 2, so we went to help them celebrate. It was really alot of fun. The interesting thing is there were 9 children there and there were 3 sets of twins among them. Cyndi and Dean hosted an excellent, fun filled birthday party. The rest of the day was spent doing things around the house.

Sunday was another family filled day, just spent around the house. I really wanted to drive to Washington, DC because the cherry blossoms are at peak right now, however we didn't get a chance to. Daddy is trying to help Mommy with the sippy cup situation. Griffin will still not drink MILK from a sippy cup. He has no problem drinking juice or water out of the sippy cup ... but milk forget it. So, this is something we still have to work on.

It really was nice spending "family time" this weekend. I hope we can do it more often.

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