Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My amazing online friends

Over the years I have been honored to make some really good online friends.

These are ladies I have shared some of my deepest feelings, secrets and dreams with.

The funny thing is ... I've never ever met them ... and only one of them have I actually talked to on the telephone.

I have had the priviledge of their friendship for many years ... and I hope to have it for a lifetime. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being my friend and send a really big cyber hug your way.

Julie - what can I say about Julie? Oh my gosh ... I consider Julie one of my dearest friends. Not only is she supportive, she listens and loves me for me. Although Julie and I have never actually "met" in person ... our hearts met online many years ago. We do talk on the telephone often. We've helped each other through many things ... both wonderful and difficult. She has offered so much wonderful advice since Griffin has arrived ... thank you Julie for being my friend.

Tricia - wow ... she is the real deal. We can go months without emailing or chatting, yet when we do ... we pick right up where we left off. I feel very honored to call Tricia my friend. She is so supportive and loving. Again ... we've never "met" before ... but I just know we will someday! We live less than 8 hours apart.

Cheri - another great online friend. I get these long beautiful, insightful, funny emails from Cheri and I feel awful that I can't share the same beautiful writing skills she does. I so enjoy getting and email from Cheri ... it just brightens my day. She is very encouraging and I love her for that. Again ... we've never "met" in person ... but don't you know if I'm ever in California I'm looking her up!

Heidi - my sweet nurturing friend. I just love Heidi. We haven't had much of a chance to email or chat lately ... but just know you are in my thought and prayers and I love ya girl!

Becki - one of my newest online friends ... although we've "known" each other a few years now, just recently have we emailed each other. She is such a "blooming" delight!

Muriel - another Floridian. We met years ago on a Florida online group. Although we rarely get a chance to email/chat I still hold her dear to my heart.

Deb - my sweet Texas girlfriend. So sweet ... so beautiful ... inside and out. Do you think we will ever get that QVC contract?

Jami - another of my beautiful Texas online friends ... such a sweetheart!

Sue (yes ... it's you "MOM") - so creative, so fun ... and such a wonderful person!

Robin S. - from Florida. Robin is the one that encouraged me to first sell my stuff on Ebay. She's such a sweetheart. I've actually met Robin in real life at the Scrapbook Expo in Orlando. Although we have lost touch a bit ... I consider her a very dear friend.

There are soooo, soooooo many people that I've met online that have made a huge impact on my life. I know there are sooooo many that I haven't named above, but know this ... just because your name isn't listed above, doesn't mean you aren't in my heart. (It just means I'm having "Mommy Brain" and I should be beaten for forgetting you). Send me an email and say ... but what about me and I will be sure to add you. (wink)

I just love that song by Garth Brooks titled "If Tomorrow Never Comes" ... it says it all ... (and by the way ... it was mine and Mike's wedding song.)

If someone touches your life and makes a difference ... let them know.


  1. Missy,
    I was playing "catch up" reading your blog today when I came to this entry. It was so sweet of you to include me in your Amazing OnLine Friend"..I'm really touched. You's been just 5 years now since we first "met" online. It was when Laura and I first started to sell online and we had more or less copied something you made.(it was an Easter Bunny) You sent an email, we sent one back that was really not very nice, you replied and then I told Laura that I felt you were right and I aploigized to you. My sweet hubby was still alive then, it seems so long ago to me sometimes. Anyway, I've enjoyed swaping emails with you and of course purchasing your wonderful items on both your website and ebay. I love watching Griffin as he grows with photo's you post on your website and here. Not sure if we will ever meet in person (ya know.. you're only about 500 miles from me now!) but I feel blessed to have "met" you online and call you my friend.

  2. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I just read this now. =) Bug hugs from me you are a truly amazing person and friend and I hope to meet someday, you are sister-like to me. Thank you for including me in your life, it is a joy to be friends with you. Tricia
