Friday, March 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Wyatt

Our dog Wyatt is 11 years old today. He has been the best dog you could ever ask for.

He came into our lives on Mother's Day 1995. He has always been the "baby" of the family, and he pretty much gets whatever he wants.

Since Griffin was born I do not get to spend the time with Wyatt that I once did. I often feel very guilty about this. But Wyatt is still his loyal self, always trying to please us.

He's the King of Indoor Dogs. His favorite spot is right on the couch. He knows he's only allowed to get on the couch if his special covers have been placed down ... well, since he's older now that's pretty much all the time. He does enjoy going for walks and sitting in the shade outside with Griffin and me.

Another favorite thing to do is to go "bye bye" with us. Of course we take him only when we take short trips to town. He so enjoys sitting with his head on the back headrest watching the world pass him bye.

As Wyatt enters his twilight years we plan to spoil him to no end. A few extra treats, a whole hamburger every now and again ... and plenty of "bye bye" trips are in store for our sweet Wyatt.

Happy Birthday Duder Bug ... we love you.

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